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This team has so much potential :smh:....Jerry needs to just be the owner, sign paychecks and root from the owners box. Garret needs to be gone after this year. We need a change in Dallas bad...wish we could get someone like Gruden

Its sad when the gm/owner thinks that just becasue we are in 1st place that 5-5 is acceptable for a team with this much "talent" :smh:

This is from a non cowboys fan perspective but perhaps them going 7-9 or 8-8 and missing the playoffs is what's needed to make necessary changes. If they win the division by default and don't get blown out by the 49ers/panthers in the divisional round perhaps Jerry is content.

The cowboys got talent on both sides of the ball and have decent players. The coaching has been mediocre though.

I'm a 49er fan and while I can't stand the cowboys, for years you couldn't help but respect them for how good they were.

Throw bill cohwer a blank check or something.

Crazy though. Bill parcels drafted so many of the guys who were core guys on the 07 and 09 teams. With how good Dallas was in 07 under wade Phillips. Had parcells stayed on a year longer perhaps they get over the hump.
Crazy though. Bill parcels drafted so many of the guys who were core guys on the 07 and 09 teams. With how good Dallas was in 07 under wade Phillips. Had parcells stayed on a year longer perhaps they get over the hump.
This is why I have called Parcells a quitter. I believe he had one more year on his contract, and we should've beaten Seattle that year and could've beaten any other nfc playoff team that year. He had all the pieces set, ready to go, and the organization headed in the right direction and just walked away.

It's hard not to overreact to the Saints loss but we can't win the SB with no pass rush and our defense in shambles like that.

As crazy as it sounds I think we should keep Garrett as head coach, just get a new OC with a different offensive scheme and just let Jason manage as walk around HC.

I don't believe in blowing it all up right no while you have a top QB that is playing well.(Not comparing him to Brady, Brees, or the Mannings.) You can still do something with this group you just have t make the right tweeks. Keeping continuity is something we haven't done in the past, and firing Jason would basically be throwing the rest of Romo's career away, and a waste of a big contract extension.
Crazy though. Bill parcels drafted so many of the guys who were core guys on the 07 and 09 teams. With how good Dallas was in 07 under wade Phillips. Had parcells stayed on a year longer perhaps they get over the hump.
This is why I have called Parcells a quitter. I believe he had one more year on his contract, and we should've beaten Seattle that year and could've beaten any other nfc playoff team that year. He had all the pieces set, ready to go, and the organization headed in the right direction and just walked away.

It's hard not to overreact to the Saints loss but we can't win the SB with no pass rush and our defense in shambles like that.

As crazy as it sounds I think we should keep Garrett as head coach, just get a new OC with a different offensive scheme and just let Jason manage as walk around HC.

I don't believe in blowing it all up right no while you have a top QB that is playing well.(Not comparing him to Brady, Brees, or the Mannings.) You can still do something with this group you just have t make the right tweeks. Keeping continuity is something we haven't done in the past, and firing Jason would basically be throwing the rest of Romo's career away, and a waste of a big contract extension.

i couldnt disagree more with your assessment on Garrett or your thoughts on Romo playing well.
i couldnt disagree more with your assessment on Garrett or your thoughts on Romo playing well.

I know when you look closer at the details they have stunk it up since the Denver game but I'm just speaking in general on both of them. But go ahead an elaborate...
i couldnt disagree more with your assessment on Garrett or your thoughts on Romo playing well.

I know when you look closer at the details they have stunk it up since the Denver game but I'm just speaking in general on both of them. But go ahead an elaborate...
Garrett shoulld have never been hired as the HC for one. when Wade was fired, the Offense was having issues then as they are now.
Garrett shoulld have never been hired as the HC for one. when Wade was fired, the Offense was having issues then as they are now.

Garrett got the job in a similar way to how mike singletary got the 49ers job in 08. The team showed signs of life while he was the interm coach and won a few games they probbaly wouldnt have won and that masked alot of his flaws.

In both cases they were seen as an upgrade over the previous regime. Garrett is obviously a better coach then singletary but the similarity to the situations is there.

A guy like bill cohwer commands instant credibility with his track record. He's not trying to coach unless he gets the right job and the Dallas cowboys are as ideal of a job as you can get coaching wise.

The team has talent but lacks direction. Seeing the saints with Sean Payton this year not no Payton last year. The 49ers going from 6-10 in 2010 to 13-3 in 2011 with essentially the same team but a competent coach. Its other examples but a coach that knows what their doing can have a huge influence on a team.
Ideally, Jerry needs to blow this thing up, hit the reset button and rebuild from scratch... But we all know that isn't going to happen.

We keep saying Jerry can't cheap out on the next coaching hire. He can't keep being his own general manager. He can't keep dabbling in scouting and play calling and defensive schemes or offensive systems... But we all know good and damn well, even after 20 years of just flat out garbage, Jerry Jones still thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.

He butchers the cap, only to compound the issues and delay the inevitable with restructurings... He bombs draft after draft... He gives massive extensions to players and coaches who don't deserve them. He hangs onto guys past their primes way longer than any other organization would. 

He's an idiot. But he's our idiot. And we're stuck with him.
I see both of your points and agree with a lot of it. I agree that this offense should be totally cleaned out, and that kinda contradicts the point I'm trying to get across of continuity while we have Romo, but there has just been too much change the past few years.(Except Garrett and Romo) Maybe yall are right but who do you fill the void with? Or maybe you do trade Romo and start fresh but who are you moving forward with?
i'm just spending less of my time on this team, I don't feel any better, but I am much calmer now that I've accepted the fact they are an average team

the biggest thing bothering me lately, Gavin Escobar, I have so much dislike for that dude that it isn't funny
Jerry openly admitted to regretting he fired Chan Gailey so quick.
He feels Garrett is similar to Gailey.
Smart X's and O's guys.
Problem with that is you can be smart as a whip but a horrible decision maker, and that makes you a horrible head coach.
Head coaches have to be great if not excellent decision makers.
Garrett hasn't proven to be one in three years, and may never be one.
I truly believe John Gruden or Tony Dungy would have us in the Super Bowl next year.
i'm just spending less of my time on this team, I don't feel any better, but I am much calmer now that I've accepted the fact they are an average team

That was my plan before the the season started. Then I watched the Denver game & saw our "potential".Got tricked again....
I see both of your points and agree with a lot of it. I agree that this offense should be totally cleaned out, and that kinda contradicts the point I'm trying to get across of continuity while we have Romo, but there has just been too much change the past few years.(Except Garrett and Romo) Maybe yall are right but who do you fill the void with? Or maybe you do trade Romo and start fresh but who are you moving forward with?

The cap hit on trading Romo is SO bad its impossible to trade him at this point. His signing bonus is prorated over the next 4 years of his contract. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to trade Romo so we are stuck with him. While I believe Romo can win a championship with the right team, us tying money into an aging QB and putting us in future cap hell in the long run was flat out stupid. If we surrounded Romo with a team that would play to his strengths then we talking differently right now.

I was a Garrett supporter and part of me still is. But I believed him being a "Walk around HC" would benefit his decision making. Well it hasn't. His time management skills are still garbage. Calling that stretch play to the left side of the field in Detroit had to be the dumbest thing I've ever witnessed. All Garrett needed to do was either take a knee or have Tanner run up the middle. Calling that play caused a holding call which stopped the time. Had we even just taken a knee we would have been able to run at least 25 seconds off the clock with Detroit only having 30-35 seconds left to drive down the field with no timeouts. Garrett has no more excuses this year as we thought his bad decision making was due to the fact that he was 'doing too much' in the past. I do believe Garrett has a pretty good eye for talent but as its been discussed time and time again:


Here's the deal that Cowboys fans have to accept, even though I still bring it up every year: Jerry isn't going anywhere. He believes he knows football and believes we can win "his way." This prevents coaches like Cowher coming here because they aren't going to want to deal with Jerry's bull. Garrett, IMO, was the best option being that he's played under Jerry, and knows exactly how to deal with his ******** and could tolerate it. Unfortunately, Garrett is 'learning on the fly' and we don't have time for that. We are wasting 'prime Ware' prime 'Romo' and 'prime' Witten.

To the 49ers fan that brought up 7-9, 8-8 would cause us to see changes, I agree. Jerry is very content with where we are for two reasons:

We are #1 in the division
Cowboys still have the highest rated games and are always a hot topic (revenue)

As long as we remain mediocre, Jerry can continue to sell the Cowboys and we will eat it up.

The only chance we have of winning a SB is hoping Jerry eventually gets lucky with his puppet HC's and he takes us back to the glory days. But even that will pain me deep down because this clown would be more than content with winning 1 SB every 20 years because it was done "his way."

To get back on track, Miles returned to practice today. Dez's back would have flared back up after that shot wore off if it was indeed a major issue. Dez looked fine on the practice field. Today is the only practice for the week. We resume practice again next week.
Garrett shoulld have never been hired as the HC for one. when Wade was fired, the Offense was having issues then as they are now.

Garrett got the job in a similar way to how mike singletary got the 49ers job in 08. The team showed signs of life while he was the interm coach and won a few games they probbaly wouldnt have won and that masked alot of his flaws.

In both cases they were seen as an upgrade over the previous regime. Garrett is obviously a better coach then singletary but the similarity to the situations is there.

A guy like bill cohwer commands instant credibility with his track record. He's not trying to coach unless he gets the right job and the Dallas cowboys are as ideal of a job as you can get coaching wise.

The team has talent but lacks direction. Seeing the saints with Sean Payton this year not no Payton last year. The 49ers going from 6-10 in 2010 to 13-3 in 2011 with essentially the same team but a competent coach. Its other examples but a coach that knows what their doing can have a huge influence on a team.

end of the day, i think the offense which he was the coordinator of prior to Wade's firing was much of the problem. For continuity's sake they kept him as interim HC and the team responded for the rest of the season....all bad for folks that want him gone...ME
The truth in this post is so real
just keeping it real bro

i've been following this team very closely since 2006, but since 2007 I have watched every single game, its to the point I know how this team is going to perform by just looking at them in the first few plays I can see how they are going to play that day

now I thought we could go to the super bowl in 2011, the D wasnt good but they were decent to the point if the offense carried us we could do something, then they caved in to the Giants at home and I knew the season was over right then and there

now I see the same thing, since Denver this team has been downright bad in every aspect of the game besides ST

this season is done folks, the offense is a mess, the defense is an absolute disaster and there are too many injuries, I dont even think they win 7 games right now unless dramatic changes are made

Callahan should be fired and Garrett should be running the offense, for the love of everything I have no damn idea why Bill Callahan is still employed as the offensive coordinator of the Dallas Cowboys

Defensively, nothing can be done scheme wise or personnel wise now, next year they need to devote every resource to adding talent there

As for Romo, he has been pretty average/bad outside of one football game this year, he was fantastic against Denver but he has been missing throws all season and locking in on one read instead of going through his options. Age could be a factor here, lack of desire and hunger another, who knows, but he is regressing and they just paid him big bucks. Now I like Tony Romo a lot, he's a great quarterback and a good dude, but this may be the point where we see him regress into a bad player.

With serious cap issues, this could be the start of a very, very, very ugly era as a fan of the Dallas Cowboys

Like I always say, I hope I am wrong, but I know this football team better than I know some of my family
as for Garrett, I do like the man very much, I just think we've seen enough of him

he was put in a bad situation and it was going to take time to fix the mess he inherited but I think it is time to move in another direction and get a head coach with more coaching experience

my nomination is Love Smith, he never should have been fired and he is the right type of guy for Dallas

Gruden would be great too, but he would never work with Jerry Jones

Jerry is the general manager and owner, he does no wrong and he calls the shots, don't get me wrong Garrett has influence here, but people ignore that Jerry runs everything and has final say, not many coaches will come here because they cannot control areas they should control

Dallas either needs a dictator coach to get everyone in line or they need a coach with years of head coaching experience and a stable front office who can control the draft

I truly believe Garrett is in trouble of losing his job, which is unfortunate because I think he can achieve great things, but it just may not be here
There's a phrase we use in football that applies to the Cowboys current situation.
That phrase is "coach them up".
Based on what we have seen, Garrett doesn't possess the ability to coach up his players.
Hence a quality team performing average or below average during his time as head coach.
The question is can he get better, and can he get better now?
We could win each game we have left.

But we could lose each one we have left also :smh:

The Minnesota game made me lose faith in the team. But the Denver game is what did us in. Romo throwing that pick messed up the team mentally imho.

Tyrone, Dez and Sean are going to be in their early thirtys by the time this team is ready to be great :smh:

Romo, Ware and Witten all over again :smh: :smh:
agreed about the coaching

we never put our players in a good position to succeed, we've had poor play designs, creativity and use of the good personnel we've had for a long time
Forget the Denver loss fellas, we had no shot of a legit season after the KC loss. The SD loss was the nail in the coffin. We were already dead, six-feet under before the Peyton came to town.
as for Garrett, I do like the man very much, I just think we've seen enough of him

he was put in a bad situation and it was going to take time to fix the mess he inherited but I think it is time to move in another direction and get a head coach with more coaching experience

my nomination is Love Smith, he never should have been fired and he is the right type of guy for Dallas

Gruden would be great too, but he would never work with Jerry Jones

Jerry is the general manager and owner, he does no wrong and he calls the shots, don't get me wrong Garrett has influence here, but people ignore that Jerry runs everything and has final say, not many coaches will come here because they cannot control areas they should control

Dallas either needs a dictator coach to get everyone in line or they need a coach with years of head coaching experience and a stable front office who can control the draft

I truly believe Garrett is in trouble of losing his job, which is unfortunate because I think he can achieve great things, but it just may not be here

He fell back and let parcells do his thing for the most part during his time as the cowboys coach from what I recall. But his stubbornness and being hands on is a gift and a curse. Jerry is willing to go out and get guys. He played a decent role in building the 90's teams but that stubbornness also caused them to not be dominant for as long as they could've and will turn good coaching candidates off from the cowboys unless they know beforehand that Jerry will give them the final say in all personel moves.

Either way I'm suprised garret still has his job knowing how Jerry is. I could see him getting a pass for 2011 even though they were in good shape to win the east going into December and in control of their own destiny since it was his first year coaching but I'm suprised he didn't press the panic button last year after a similar situation played out.

If you guys a get an a hole dictator coach with a proven track record though it would be the best thing that ever happened to that team in a while.
He fell back and let parcells do his thing for the most part during his time as the cowboys coach from what I recall. But his stubbornness and being hands on is a gift and a curse. Jerry is willing to go out and get guys. He played a decent role in building the 90's teams but that stubbornness also caused them to not be dominant for as long as they could've and will turn good coaching candidates off from the cowboys unless they know beforehand that Jerry will give them the final say in all personel moves.

Either way I'm suprised garret still has his job knowing how Jerry is . I could see him getting a pass for 2011 even though they were in good shape to win the east going into December and in control of their own destiny since it was his first year coaching but I'm suprised he didn't press the panic button last year after a similar situation played out.

If you guys a get an a hole dictator coach with a proven track record though it would be the best thing that ever happened to that team in a while.

That's because Jerry is content with mediocrity now. The standards in Dallas, from his view, have been ridiculously lowered. The reason being is because despite the mediocrity, the Cowboys are still at the top of the NFL in terms of ratings, revenue etc. His stadium seats are being filled, college games are being held etc. Didn't we have a Manny Pacqio fight too? Jerry will only change if the team is LOSING AND LOSING money. That's why he brought Bill in. Those 3 5-11 seasons did us in.
i'm at the point where I don't even want to watch the games

for the first time in years I actually turned off the Saints game and was like f this I can't watch this and I have watched many blowouts and bad games but I am at my breaking point
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