Same sizes? The red and blues look like completely different builds.

Atmos are a full size bigger, gonna do a size swap Monday.

And for some reason the OGs were laced super tight from the factory, while the Atmos were stuffed to the gills with paper.
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Shipping for people costs more than $12.75 :lol:
**** dont even make sense

have so many people vote for a shoe to make the reds, blues and atoms joints as quickstrikes

like **** dont even make sense

at least make enough pairs where it was at least somewhat attainable... **** was like finding the holy grail if you hit on any of these kicks this year

**** nike and phil knight can suck my **** from the back one time

This isn't a "celebration" of a shoe, it is not a holiday, it's a marketing strategy. This company doesn't give 2 damns about the AM Enthusiasts that couldn't obtain or has to pay 3x retail to obtain these sneakers. They got you talking about them, for better or worse it doesn't matter to them. Hell, you want to get back at them? Voting ironically for an unappealing shoe for next year won't help. Just stop caring about these releases. Let them pass you by and say to hell with AM Day I promise you will survive. If enough people that have complained here and on social media did that NIKE would take notice and resellers couldn't make their come up. I don't see this happening though...we aren't built for that kind of sacrifice "sneaker heads " gotta take what NIKE gives us. That's why we are their ultimate hype men and women. Even when we get **** on we still promote them.

Wow so I just realized that these am anni's come with a dust bag and a pamphlet. Yeah thanks Nike. Really needed that. Is that why they're limited? :smh: I hate AM month now. Any word on a normal GR of the red and blues?

august bro.

dont get played by the resell hype

wait and get them for retail minus the dust bag and extras
Nike is trash for this release, goes to show you how over the years they have screwed us. From limited releases, dumb pricing on Jordans, bad quality and builds on classic models, and keeping friends and family pairs looking better than the general releases. They don't care about you. They lost market share to adidas so they need to get some of it back, so they used these as hype bait.
Yup. Still no forefoot air bag with smaller heel air bag and fake Nike AIR logo at the heel while upping the price and limiting the supply. The more I look at the old marketing materials the more I don't want the retros. Sigh!

OG Forefoot and Heel Air Bags

2017 let's just stick with the OG kids implementation nobody would care
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^man those shoes are beautiful

love seeing those old ads

reminds me of being in 4th grade and coming home from school to take a long **** while I drooled over shoes outta magazines
So it seems like the Chinese factories are not inflating the air units all the way, which is the reason for the small air units. I guess they accidentally overinflated one of my pairs of sail pinnacles to what us am heads are used to. :smh:. My HOAs for comparison



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You rock FrankWhite, A breath of fresh air from all the L news updates. Funny thing is, how much are these sought after kicks going to be wanted after a general release?
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