All of these designs are trash and compared to this Screenshot (14).png they all look like kids trying to do what professionals do without even trying. It mustve been a landslide.

The only other halfway interesting design is Screenshot (3).png but she tried way too hard and doesnt seem to quite 'get it'. This is what I expect to see out of someone who is an 'artist' because their husband makes enough money for them to be one. Not that I know this lady's story, thats just the impression i get. If she had a thorough eye for design she wouldve taken her style further and accentuated it with this sole ooke5x0rqeiazo6e1bde.jpg and not the common obvious use of the 90. It wouldve matched up well with that **** she has going on with the toe area. But all that going on with the heel is too much. Erase that or do something better with it.

Anyway, my point is the Neckbeards didnt need any edits. Its an effortless, unique and classic design right out of the gate.

I cant wait to see whats coming for next year's vote. Im not sure how these designs are chosen to vote for but Nike needs to do a better job with competition. The other guys last year clearly didnt stand a chance. The drop off is laughable.

based on a post on reddit, there's about 300 people submitting designs this year for the NYC themed AM drop for 2019. from those 300, Nike will vote internally for the best 10, and then refine and develop those concepts further and debut the final 10 entries for public voting. It sounds like a much better process than pick 12 "curators" and let them design crotch high moon boots.

edit: found the post:

It was incredible. Easily the best executed event that I've ever been to. If you're at all interested in the creative/design process, you would have had a hard time containing yourself.

It started with an intro of all the different folks that contribute to the design process who were in the room. Concepting, storytelling, color, textures, materials, actualizing (from 2D to 3D), factory production, retail/experiential...all the different pieces that work in concert to take a vision and make it a reality (and Sean Wortherspoon).

You're brief was to bring what's compelling about NYC to life...through a silhouette. AM 1, 90, BW, 97, 98, Vapormax Plus, 180, 93, 270.

Set your narrative. Pick your model. Then bring it to life on the mood board. Then design the silhouette with all the various design elements available to you.

Design elements: After the briefing, you toured the space, there were raw silhouettes, material boards (synthetics, leathers, nylons, cloth fabrics), color palettes, accessories (dubrets, aglets, patches, etc). All of these these swatches, color palates, etc would get attached to your mood board.

They also had printers for your visual inspirations that you could print out and attach to the mood board for reference purposes.

Everyone working from a design perspective came by to chat and consult with you. You explained your story, and they helped with tips/tricks to execute. But they were all there to unlock your potential...never with a heavy hand, always encouraging.

We spent about 2 hours designing and then pitched our design in a minute video (confessional booth) with the mood board as reference. What's the narrative, and how did you bring it to life.

I think there will be about 300 of these from NYC, they'll vote internally, the best one will get refined and built to go up against the other winning entries from the other key cities where they ran the "ON AIR" competition.

It was an amazing experience. Blew me away.

based on a post on reddit, there's about 300 people submitting designs this year for the NYC themed AM drop for 2019. from those 300, Nike will vote internally for the best 10, and then refine and develop those concepts further and debut the final 10 entries for public voting. It sounds like a much better process than pick 12 "curators" and let them design crotch high moon boots.

edit: found the post:
“What The” :nerd: you have my attention
you decide to keep them?

Yeah decided to keep them once I open the box that came today from Nike they blew me away excellent execution honestly it's only 3 months in the year but this has to be sneaker of the year... and this is coming from somebody who only owns a handful of Air Maxes in his personal collection
Yeah decided to keep them once I open the box that came today from Nike they blew me away excellent execution honestly it's only 3 months in the year but this has to be sneaker of the year... and this is coming from somebody who only owns a handful of Air Maxes in his personal collection
you definitely made the right choice. the waves ain't all that and are probably way more common.
On stockX for the SWs they have With & Without accessories. On the without are they talking about the xtra shoestrings & patches?
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you definitely made the right choice. the waves ain't all that and are probably way more common.

Definitely I feel very comfortable with my decision actually got them on feet right now LOL honestly when I posted that message a couple days ago looking to trade these for the waves I got within a few minutes probably over 20 messages I didn't open not a single one... knowing I was going to make my decision once I got these in hand
based on a post on reddit, there's about 300 people submitting designs this year for the NYC themed AM drop for 2019. from those 300, Nike will vote internally for the best 10, and then refine and develop those concepts further and debut the final 10 entries for public voting. It sounds like a much better process than pick 12 "curators" and let them design crotch high moon boots.

edit: found the post:

They’re picking only 3 final entries, not 12. Other than that you’re pretty much spot on.
Does anyone know if the laces like the ones pictured in those pinnacles have a specific name I can search and possibly buy? I went through a few pairs I have and they only come in a few. Masters, Pinnacles, Tonal Red.
New York should be cake to draw inspiration from. The skyline and stuff like that seems like a tourist's take on NY.

When I think of stuff Id do for New Orleans Im thinking about New Orleans Jazz colors, pisol pete's floppy socks, the Saints, Katrina, World's Fair 84 and how trippy that was to a 2 year old big enough to be let in, the old red cable cars that ran along side the ms river bridge, Mardi Gras, voodoo, cafe du monde, fried seafood, the westbank, catholic school etc etc etc

I would take yall on a journey.

So proud to call it home. I’m all the way with you. For me it’s the vibrant colors on the old shotgun style houses, the colors of cafe du monde, beignets, and cafe au lait. It’s different shades of brass and copper on those instruments. It’s the shiny almost metallic colors of Mardi Gras beads. It’s the colors of those old streetcars and the wood on the interior of them.
Flipped two pair from my closet and bought the SWs from Stock X. Paying resell hurt, but I wasn't going to wear what I flipped them for(pair of Supreme NBA AF1s and a size 4.5 700 Wave Runner I was planning to use as trade bait). Also had a 5% coupon to help keep the price low. Good luck to anyone still on the hunt.
So proud to call it home. I’m all the way with you. For me it’s the vibrant colors on the old shotgun style houses, the colors of cafe du monde, beignets, and cafe au lait. It’s different shades of brass and copper on those instruments. It’s the shiny almost metallic colors of Mardi Gras beads. It’s the colors of those old streetcars and the wood on the interior of them.
Yep, probably the easiest city to make shoes out of lol

I kept thinking Oakwood Mall too, even though its just a mall. That place was a significant part of my childhood. More so Belle Promenade RIP. I can still picture the theaters right when you walk in and the arcade you could cut through to get to the food court. Those weird paintings of chicks faces on the walls.
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