Is the mesh medium olive? And orange is sundial?
Has anyone done leather tongue? Have a pair I want to pull the trigger on to see how they come out but want yellow tongue and only option is leather
Is that how those BBs will look like after wear even if they don't come creased out of the box?
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I've been using Lace Lab recently and they have been pretty solid.

Thanks ! They have quite a variety of lace styles
Is the best style for air max 1, , 45 inch ?
Thanks for an actual answer. Stuffed them really solid last night. I'll see what they look like when I get home and go from there.
that was an "actual" answer, if you wear them, then they are going to crease anyways, so why does it matter much, unless you putting them in a glass box. As you know Nike is going to do Nike despite how you think things should be thats all.
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