The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

The official ending to Oreimo is out today and by damn is this **** just ****-ing insane!

Enter at your own risk-

-Kanako had invited Kyousuke to a Meruru Concert she's performing in. During the event, she confesses to him, but he rejects her. She promises to pay him back by becoming a super star.

-One day, Kirino tells Kyousuke that they need to perform a Ceremony for Couples. She shows him the Photo Album she didn't show him before. It's full of Kyousuke's pictures that she stole from their father's photo album.

-On Graduation Day, Manami calls Kirino and Kyousuke, telling them she wishes to fight with Kirino. The 3 of them meet at a park, and Kirino tells her that she's dating Kyousuke now and starts to taunt her. Manami then punches Kirino in the stomach and starts brawling, but Kyousuke breaks it up. Manami yells at Kirino the same thing she told her years ago "BECOME NORMAL SIBLINGS" and repeatedly attemps to convince Kyousuke to end his relationship with Kirino, however, he refuses. Manami then confesses to Kyousuke as well, but he rejects her and chooses Kirino instead. Manami, realizing Kyousuke's decision is final, gives up and kicks him in the stomach.

-Afterwards, Kirino and Kyousuke have their wedding in the same church that Kirino wore the wedding dress at in Volume 9. Kyousuke and Kirino are the only ones there. Kyousuke took care of the Outfits. Afterwards, they Kiss. Kirino then gives back the Ring to Kyousuke. During Christmas Eve, they promised that after Graduation, they would return to being Normal Siblings.

-There is speculation that the normal siblings thing is just bs they are telling everyone, while they actually incest it up the last thing that happens in the book is after they claimed to have broken up and what not they still kiss.

-There will be a 10 yr time skip in the last epilogue but it wont be out till the dvd are in 3-4 months which means what really happens in the end is a mystery sadly still.
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Zengetsu was involved in the swords summon training

And the final getsuga was a training he did with a younger zengetsu underwater where he merged with a hollow.


Maou-Sama ep. 10
Chiho with them double six dollar burgers while Emi had the fish fillet sandwiches. :rofl:
Maou was pretty cool controlling those gators like that. :pimp:
I knew James over there was pretty shady lookin, but now its sealed. :lol:
What is he, an angel maybe? Was it him doing the magic harvesting during the tatabana festival?

And as always, poor Ashiya. :lol:
Maou Same ep 10

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Emi and Chiho in that locker room. The burger jokes! :rofl: :rofl:

Chiho is way too endowed. :lol: Poor Emi.

Suzuno's outfit. :lol:

:lol: Maou being aloof as hell with Chiho. :lol:

James is definitely an Angel of some sort. The wings were :pimp: He might have gathered the positive energy from the end of the last episode.
This fits into my Bleach rant so well. Bleach is straight up awful now, started off great with lots of potential now it just looks like Kubo is making stuff up as he goes along thinking "what can shock the fans most while ignoring everything that's happened in the past..."

How the hell can his Zanpakuto be Juha???!?!? Is he trying to tell me that it was JUHA A FREAKING QUINCY that taught Ichigo how to use his sword and bankai?
Juha was able to create an alternate universe and summon infinite swords to train Ichigo???
And apparently Juha has a time machine somewhere because he can come back as a teenager to teach Ichigo the final getsuga tenshou right?
Juha also is apparently half hollow cause he fought ichigo in that mode right?

Looks like we got our next Aizen with infinite powers guys.

SMH Kubo is milking this series nicely looking like...


its not technically juha. He created the quincy, so his essence is in every 1 of them. The zangetsu were seeing is the manifestation of ichigo's quincy powers. His quincy side has been pretending for unknown reasons to be his zanpakto.

The manga shouldve said quincy instead of saying it was juha, i think thats whats confusing. Ichigo has the quincy and hollow sides fighting for power. He shouldve had the hollow sie as his zanpakto from the jump
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its not technically juha. He created the quincy, so his essence is in every 1 of them. The zangetsu were seeing is the manifestation of ichigo's quincy powers. His quincy side has been pretending for unknown reasons to be his zanpakto.

The manga shouldve said quincy instead of saying it was juha, i think thats whats confusing. Ichigo has the quincy and hollow sides fighting for power. He shouldve had the hollow sie as his zanpakto from the jump

As an essence it makes a bit more sense, it would explain the aging. But why is a Quincy essence able to control the zanpakto powers? How is a quincy essence able to use his bankai and fuse with the hollow? IDK.. still so many questions that I hope Kubo actually answers but I won't hope my breath. This series is still a disappointment to me and frustrating but I will soldier on (and keep complaining lol) gone too far to turn back now.
Fairy Tale!!!!!!!!!!
My head just exploded. Gray can't really dead, can he? Holy crap!
WTF was thats?!?! :wow: :frown:

that was a buzz kill. They better have a plot no jutsu going on or something and it turns out that its was a Ice clone that got clapped up instead of Gray. I'm not use to fairy Tale characters dieing
Can someone explain to me what's happening in SNAFU?

I caught up but I still don't have any idea of what's going on :lol:

All I know is that **** is getting real
I hate how action scenes play out in most manga so if I start something in Anime form, I usually ride it out to the end that way.

Oddly enough, if I start something in manga form I usually avoid the anime version because I like seeing things animated, but hate waiting for new episodes.

All of that said, I did start reading the manga the day after episode 9 dropped and caught up to the latest chapter.

Really like this anime. Like you I'm caught up, I hate waiting for new episodes.

Whats the protocol in this thread about posting spoilers?
wtf.............. 2nd to the last page of Fairy Tail.... DID NOT SEE THAT SHOT COMING!

guess some of these authors watched game of thrones sunday
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HSDK 526
Kensei too raw man...mashed tanaka with that elbow
Fairy Tale
Gray caught that fade smh...ultear going to reverse it all though. no way dude goes out like that.
Can someone explain to me what's happening in SNAFU?

I caught up but I still don't have any idea of what's going on :lol:

All I know is that **** is getting real
I don't really know what's goin on, but I know that I was feeling all sorts of feels in this last episode. :frown:

Really like this anime. Like you I'm caught up, I hate waiting for new episodes.

Whats the protocol in this thread about posting spoilers?
Let's see. I think what the majority came to agreement on was that for new episodes and chapters, or major spoilers in general, talk about it in spoilers for about 24-36 hours so people can catch up. Then you can talk freely after that.

Also the new manga chapter of Attack on Titan is out
Just read it.
Warring titan factions?!? sounds interesting.
Those two titans keeping tabs on them in the trees were creepy.
I'm sure that Christa, and that group that she's from, are big players in what's goin on behind the scenes...
I want to see this titan village. :nerd:
Also, That monkey titan...:x :smh:
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Also the new manga chapter of Attack on Titan is out
Just read it.
Warring titan factions?!? sounds interesting.
Those two titans keeping tabs on them in the trees were creepy.
I'm sure that Christa, and that group that she's from, are big players in what's goin on behind the scenes...
I want to see this titan village.


Also, That monkey titan...
Just caught up on AOT in like 3 days...its like an endless river of despair 

I'm finding hard to figure out the motives of people running things behind the scenes. That Monkey titan seems very interesting though. I wonder if he would have let dude live if he didn't freak out.
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What's up guys, I just started watching Naruto around last December and I'm now fully caught up with the current episodes. I just can't believe I've been neglecting a series that I once deemed wack and now I'm addicted to it. Kinda sad that I know that the main series will end soon though.
Just finished watching Cross Game, and I have to say it is definitely up there with the likes of Hajime No Ippo for Sports Animes for me. Better than Major in my opinion if youre comparing baseball animes.
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