The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by its Labrev

10 Piece Nuggets wrote:
Whats your k/d?
Mines currently at 1.93
Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.
Mines 2.32. One dude who I think is from NT has a 2.70 something, I'm trying to catch up to him.

All I do is GW, if your are on PS3 add me.


at that unlimited AC130. Imagine if he was on Afghan or Wasteland?
I swear I'm the only dude who hasn't had a nuke yet
. I got close yesterday (22-0) but I didn't have my nuke set, so I stopped trying to get kills because I didn't feel like cryin'

Edit: My K/D is 1.46
That ac 130 vid is old nukes twice cause of it... Sniping is addicting in this game.

K/D 1.16
Originally Posted by aceofjays

I swear I'm the only dude who hasn't had a nuke yet
. I got close yesterday (22-0) but I didn't have my nuke set, so I stopped trying to get kills because I didn't feel like cryin'

Edit: My K/D is 1.46

i haven't even unlocked it yet.
don't really play all that much though.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by its Labrev

OrenthalJames wrote:
Real talk though, I know you are dope at this game......but I KNOW you HAVE to be padding your scores my dude. The reason I say this, is because I got some heavy hitters on my friendslist. Like players that win money tourneys and could be considered "pro" and NONE of their scores are even close to yours. Smells a little fishy my dude. But like I said I know you got skills
-The Juice

Nah, no boosting or anything like that. My winstreak/ratio is simply off of playing FFA for the majortity of the time . Even if you lose a FFA match it doesn't count towards your streak so if you only played FFA 24/7 you'd have a huge # aswell. I wanted to hit 300 but my friends always complained about how I never accepted their invites so I gave in eventually.
And I'd average a 30-5 everytime I played FFA so that's how my K/D remains better than the average MW2 player. I can't really have any NTer's vouch for me other than fraji/ShotsRangOut cause he's the only dude I really play with, but I could understand how my stats look fishy.

Whats your k/d?

Mines currently at 1.93

Whats everyone's k/d as a matter of fact.


GT: SpaceJamsXI
Originally Posted by Grimey

@ Dudes just hiding behind boxes on Sub Base

Camping = noob tube + danger close.

If that's not your game, my best advice there is to have a burst action gun (Famas or M16) and just rack up your headshots.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by Grimey

@ Dudes just hiding behind boxes on Sub Base

Camping = noob tube + danger close.

If that's not your game, my best advice there is to have a burst action gun (Famas or M16) and just rack up your headshots.
Word. Famas solves any Tom Foolery.

-The Juice
The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
Originally Posted by Sighfur

The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
real talk I NEVER use my mic. I seriously do not feel like hearing 14 year olds scream, and spew ignorance. I swear 1 out of 3 games I can hear little kids screams through the TV speakers. What is it with guys under the age of 20 acting like ******s? And not only that, I'm black, so being called a n_____ is unnecessary.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Sighfur

The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
real talk I NEVER use my mic. I seriously do not feel like hearing 14 year olds scream, and spew ignorance. I swear 1 out of 3 games I can hear little kids screams through the TV speakers. What is it with guys under the age of 20 acting like ******s? And not only that, I'm black, so being called a n_____ is unnecessary.

-The Juice

 I hear ya fam, and its the same thing for me, I get called n all the time, but I just igg those idiots, igg all the annoying little kids. And for me, being a team player isn't even about talking to one another. What I was trying to rant about was dudes who dont contribute at all..

For example, I was on Karachi, I ran with a teammate to behind the bus, from that little hallway. I started unloading on dudes coming from that dark alley-way near the car and fire hydrant, this guy who was behind the bus with me, gets all scared and runs behind that building, not even helping me fire, I kill like 2 dudes and get rocked by whoever is left, cause' his dumb %#% was too scared to fire cause' he didn't wanna get noticed/killed. Meanwhile if we both shot, we had a good chance of killing the whole team.

Why bother playing TEAM deathmatch, if you don't wanna help you teammates out and kill the enemies?
There's a way to get underneath the map on Derail right by the icy river by the bridge. Akin to those rocks on Afghan. Played against someone who was underneath. Hope it gets patched quickly.
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

There's a way to get underneath the map on Derail right by the icy river by the bridge. Akin to those rocks on Afghan. Played against someone who was underneath. Hope it gets patched quickly.

yup there is a way to get under the map near the river.

i just saw the new emergency air drop glitch  that thing is 
and so simple to do.

yesterday on the ps3 i was kicked out of a room by a autoboot program that was released a couple of weeks ago.

i killed this guy 3 times in a row and all of sudden i lag out, then he starts sending messages about how it "sucks to get kicked oh i mean lagged out when you're on top".

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I swear I'm the only dude who hasn't had a nuke yet
. I got close yesterday (22-0) but I didn't have my nuke set, so I stopped trying to get kills because I didn't feel like cryin'

Edit: My K/D is 1.46
i have about 8500 kills and still no nuke.
K/D- 1.98

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

There's a way to get underneath the map on Derail right by the icy river by the bridge. Akin to those rocks on Afghan. Played against someone who was underneath. Hope it gets patched quickly.

   im pretty sure i played with a dude who did that

i saw a red dot so far off the map i was like #!%
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

Originally Posted by aceofjays

I swear I'm the only dude who hasn't had a nuke yet
. I got close yesterday (22-0) but I didn't have my nuke set, so I stopped trying to get kills because I didn't feel like cryin'

Edit: My K/D is 1.46
i have about 8500 kills and still no nuke.
K/D- 1.98

I didn't get a nuke yet.
So there are some of yall with me who haven't gotten a nuke. Thought I was singled out

Originally Posted by Sighfur

OrenthalJames wrote:

Sighfur wrote:

The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
real talk I NEVER use my mic. I seriously do not feel like hearing 14 year olds scream, and spew ignorance. I swear 1 out of 3 games I can hear little kids screams through the TV speakers. What is it with guys under the age of 20 acting like ******s? And not only that, I'm black, so being called a n_____ is unnecessary.

-The Juice

 I hear ya fam, and its the same thing for me, I get called n all the time, but I just igg those idiots, igg all the annoying little kids. And for me, being a team player isn't even about talking to one another. What I was trying to rant about was dudes who dont contribute at all..

For example, I was on Karachi, I ran with a teammate to behind the bus, from that little hallway. I started unloading on dudes coming from that dark alley-way near the car and fire hydrant, this guy who was behind the bus with me, gets all scared and runs behind that building, not even helping me fire, I kill like 2 dudes and get rocked by whoever is left, cause' his dumb @*% was too scared to fire cause' he didn't wanna get noticed/killed. Meanwhile if we both shot, we had a good chance of killing the whole team.

Why bother playing TEAM deathmatch, if you don't wanna help you teammates out and kill the enemies?

I feel you Sighfur. I swear when I'm on a team where no one talks 7 out 10 times we lose. When there's a decent amount of communication my wins are continuous. That's partly why in COD 4 I only played TD if I had friends on, other wise it was all Free For All.

Today two of my friends were on and we won 15 straight, I was callin in Pave Low's and AC 130's like clock work. All because we communicate and they can handle their own.
I backup my teammates, when I see one lone soul trying to capture a flag I just throw a smoke on em.

I do hate it when you get popped and all you see is your teammate behind a box or wall waiting for the person that killed you to move so they can shoot their back.

Those are the games where I dont go for flags, I just go for the kill.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Sighfur

The thing I hate the most about this game, way beyond glitches and all that bs... is terrible teammates who don't communicate/contribute AT ALL

Guys who hide all game, and don't do anything, smh @ dudes going 1 and 2, hiding in corners, watching the rest of your teammates get out numbered and they can't even say a simple "watch your back" or something to that effect, knowing they are in clear sights of the enemies, and decide not to warn teammates.
real talk I NEVER use my mic. I seriously do not feel like hearing 14 year olds scream, and spew ignorance. I swear 1 out of 3 games I can hear little kids screams through the TV speakers. What is it with guys under the age of 20 acting like ******s? And not only that, I'm black, so being called a n_____ is unnecessary.

-The Juice
My screenname is BARACK ODRAMA X. every game i get called a N.
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