The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Decided to hop on mw2 for the first time in a couple days mainly hoping that the patch would be out
but it wasn't and ended up playing a couple of games with a buddy of mine, playin on sub base and start out 4/5
but started going on a frenzy, harrier, chopper, then I'm at 22 kills and gotta get to 25, get 23 and 24, then search out
a sniper who has been camping around the same area the whole game near the back where most of the
action happens on sub base and get him for the 25th kill, look down at the score and my team has 7400
and I'm like holy **** gotta hurry and press right on the dpad, start hearing the countdown and start to celebrate...

Cliff Notes: Finally got my first nuke off my back (I just decided on this prestige (3rd) to start going for it)
care package glitch.

Just lost a domination game. Had us in a huge spawn trap. Dudes got 11 emergency airdrops. 15+ care packages, 2 chopper gunners, an AC-130, 3 attack helicopters, countless UAVs, and at least 10 predators.

And thats after I started counting
Originally Posted by jeenewed

care package glitch.

Just lost a domination game. Had us in a huge spawn trap. Dudes got 11 emergency airdrops. 15+ care packages, 2 chopper gunners, an AC-130, 3 attack helicopters, countless UAVs, and at least 10 predators.

And thats after I started counting
god DAMN. i would have dipped early.
Some dude called in like 6 EAD's in FFA earlier. had me heated
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

Originally Posted by bballah3

Anyone play on PC?

Lets hit it.

Steam @ gam3g3ni3

damn i never played with so many nt'ers as of late, yesterday...with 11 !! i had to kick out my homeboys

why you stonefacing dude? maybe some of us dont have a ps3 or 360. 

or some of us got good enough rigs to run it on our pc's
get at me

steam :     ::562:: chilln~>
yeah this cp glitch has me playing other games ive been on that borderlands tough and cod waw
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

Originally Posted by npa07

yeah this cp glitch has me playing other games ive been on that borderlands tough and cod waw


Care package? unlimited care packages/emergency airdrops.

Anyone tried battlefield bad company 2? game is
i got another nuke on scrapyard but when i went to call it in the game ended and i didnt get points for it
Originally Posted by TheGreekGangsta

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

Originally Posted by bballah3

Anyone play on PC?

Lets hit it.

Steam @ gam3g3ni3

damn i never played with so many nt'ers as of late, yesterday...with 11 !! i had to kick out my homeboys

why you stonefacing dude? maybe some of us dont have a ps3 or 360. 

or some of us got good enough rigs to run it on our pc's
get at me

steam :     ::562:: chilln~>

Im on PC too my xbox died on me had to get it on PC

hit me up

Steam: CO
Originally Posted by Kazuum

Originally Posted by Across 110th st

Originally Posted by npa07

yeah this cp glitch has me playing other games ive been on that borderlands tough and cod waw


Care package? unlimited care packages/emergency airdrops.

Anyone tried battlefield bad company 2? game is
Been playing this for a few days. When you get a good team working the vehicles etc, it's a mad rewarding experience. Definitely scooping this when it comes out. It's different than COD, feels more epic in scale, but drops the ball on a few fronts (based on the demo at least).
My new favorite thing in this game is shooting down all the aircraft, from UAVs to Harriers, to Attack Helicopters.

Easy 200-300 points each time

Just the amount of frustration it brings the dudes that call it brings me joy 
^i used to always do that before i prestiged, but now the stinger cant take down harriers for some reason.
Originally Posted by doosta45

^i used to always do that before i prestiged, but now the stinger cant take down harriers for some reason.

The stinger still takes down harriers in one shot...for the most part. Sometimes though the harrier would turn a precise angle at the right time and avoid the missile
Very inconsistent
The most annoying and worthless players are the campy snipers that play team objective games.

They never capture flags or defend/destroy objectives. All they do is camp and mess up their team's spawn.

Going 6 and 4 k/d in a domination match doesn't help your team.

If you need claymores to protect you, extra breath to line up your shot and/or thermal scope to find your targets... YOU ARE A TERRIBLE SNIPER.
Originally Posted by TheRoyalAirness27

My new favorite thing in this game is shooting down all the aircraft, from UAVs to Harriers, to Attack Helicopters.

Easy 200-300 points each time

Just the amount of frustration it brings the dudes that call it brings me joy 
I LOVE shooting down UAVs
I wish more people did it though
, some people don't even shoot down Harriers
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