The Official Kobe X iD thread

Build has been complete for nearly a week and they haven't shipped. 
I had to return my multicolors because the sole was halfway separated on one pair. Wtf. Can't believe I wait two months for something and they can't even attach the sole correctly.
My mamba colors arive this Friday. I'm very excited for them, I swear if they're messed up I'm going to flip.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. Means nothing to me.

Looks fine to me.. Some people will find the bad in everything... If you aren't happy with the quality why come back to the forum everyday and see what's new... It's not gonna change either you like it or you don't and if you don't unsubscribe corn @al3x89

i guess nike found the bad in it too, that's why black got pulled from the options for the second time around.

people are entitled to like what they want, but if you seriously think a quick spray paint over the toe box is acceptable then you're delusional.

these are quality control issues that need to be addressed and not praised. for $250 they are being extremely lazy. their flyknit machines can probably produce an upper pretty quickly (i'm speculating but if you have the settings in, you just need to get the thread ready). would it be that difficult for them to swap out the grey flyknit with a black/coloured flyknit and make the shoe to order like it has been in the past? no it wouldn't, but it's definitely easier to mass produce grey flknit and paint it to go and basically deceive people.

when we had ID's in the past, the materials were never dyed, painted, etc. you had your material cut into what it needed to be AND nikeid's were $100 less than they are today.

for a billion dollar company, this is unacceptable and that's why i refuse to buy the shoes at full price and find discount codes.
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people are entitled to like what they want, but if you seriously think a quick spray paint over the toe box is acceptable then you're delusional.

So let me make sure I got this right... So people are entitled to like what they like, but if it's not the same as what you like, it's delusional? Ok guy. :rofl: How can someone be delusional for what they find acceptable? Its all opinion. Your opinion does not necessarily reflect the absolute truth. Get off your soapbox.

For the record, I actually agree with your general point. The MC-to-black transition is the only part of my pair I don't like, and they def should do better... But that's not even what was being discussed, we were talking about if there was excess spray causing the darker knits. I weighed in respectfully on my pair. Then you made a douchebag comment which contributed nothing to the original discussion. What was the purpose?

I let that ride cuz that's your opinion, doesn't mean **** to me but hey, that's what these forums are for. Feel free to express it. But then you respond tryina lecture people on what they should and shouldn't find acceptable? Nah, you can miss me with all that moral authority BS.
Some better pics of pair #3 of first run. my next pics will be pair 1 of mambacolors. @AWest post em up when you can!

Other than the typical "over spray" from the dark grey medial...I really like these. The right shoe def has more red/crimson but the FK came out nice. This would have been a 10/10 if it was light grey medial.
I can't speak on black medials becuase I do not personally own a pair and havn't seen one in person but my purple medial chaos pair has a darker weave and there is no way it's painted over. Not even a little. Now that being said, there is certainly a difference between the knit on that pair and my grey medial pair. 
And I can't speak on purple medials cuz I only have a black one lol but there's def a thin layer of spray...the overall shade of the threads don't look darker as much as it looks tampered with. you can mainly tell with the light colors in the fk like volt or crimson. I don't think they made two shades of volt for this shoe but yet grey medials have volt thread that really pops. Volt on black medial pairs look straight dirty like someone tried to rub out the color. The paint makes the whole damn shoe look dirty.
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I ordered 4 pairs initially. 3 of them black medial.... The spray paint was so terrible they all went back. Re-ordered couple pairs with gray medial.
How can Nike sell a spray painted sneaker for 250?
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