Sad definitely don’t see it coming back until At least january

it is going to be minimum 3 months, maybe even 4? Wonder if they do a summer league bubble in Las Vegas, now that the concept is working and it would only be 2-3 weeks
Nope, that changed. Silver thinks mayyyybe January. Probably not though. The issue is, they are aiming to return the game to arenas for the new season.

It's gonna be real interesting to see how this upcoming season is handled. There's no way they can do a bubble for all the teams starting from Game 1. The bubble worked out this season because it just so happened that it happened around the playoffs when less games are played with less teams participating.

If they plan on moving games back to arenas, that means they expect us to have some sort of vaccine for COVID-19 ready by then.
It's gonna be real interesting to see how this upcoming season is handled. There's no way they can do a bubble for all the teams starting from Game 1. The bubble worked out this season because it just so happened that it happened around the playoffs when less games are played with less teams participating.

If they plan on moving games back to arenas, that means they expect us to have some sort of vaccine for COVID-19 ready by then.
Silver pretty much confirmed the bubble isn’t happening again and he wants fans next season
It's gonna be real interesting to see how this upcoming season is handled. There's no way they can do a bubble for all the teams starting from Game 1. The bubble worked out this season because it just so happened that it happened around the playoffs when less games are played with less teams participating.

If they plan on moving games back to arenas, that means they expect us to have some sort of vaccine for COVID-19 ready by then.

I don't think they're counting on a vaccine. I think they're counting on people being cool with them being in arenas in the same way people seem cool with the NFL doing it. The difference is the NFL is at least outdoors. If they end up having thousands of people inside, it could be disastrous.

The vaccine problem isn't just the development of one (and that's not guaranteed; one of the big phase 3 trials just got paused earlier this week because a participant got a mystery illness), it's getting it sufficiently widespread throughout the population. That could take months on its own. There's almost no way that happens by January, and it's highly unlikely it happens before Spring.
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