The Official "Tiger Woods Keeps That White Girl" Thread

That's the mother of his children though.

It's not simping.  Y'all are misusing the term.

Word, id pay that much and more to have my child's mother back, real love is precious...

Its not like he's doing this for some random broad, its his x wife - that left him because he cheated.... not the other way around...
Any woman that asks me to sign an anti-cheating contract can go kick rocks....not because I'll cheat but because is obvious she's in it for anything else other than love and doesn't trust me at all....

Sometimes things are far too broken and putting the pieces together will only get you cut.

Tiger is being taken for a fool by this woman, if she truly wanted to be with him, she would be, this dude is paying for companionship.

Um no, shes insuring he doesn't cheat - AGAIN...

Im far from a feminish but g's i understand why
But what if SHE cheats? Does the contract apply to her?
then legally, yes.  if Tiger sues for divorce then he can either get a clean break or very minimal loss.

unless they decide to specifically agree otherwise in the prenup agreement.
Antigen, you must know something that I don't, hence your essay. Didn't know you were looking at it through a racial POV. You didn't initially express it as such. I honestly don't even think it's that deep as you explained it. I think it just boils down to Tiger being a sheltered nerd his whole life and this is part of his progress. But that's just me, unless you know something that I don't. *shrugs*
So, hes trying to buy happiness?..

I hope it works out. I rather seem homes rebuilt than broken homes.
Word, id pay that much and more to have my child's mother back, real love is precious...

Its not like he's doing this for some random broad, its his x wife - that left him because he cheated.... not the other way around...

bro, you shouldnt have to pay ANYONE to be with you....thats crazyyyyyyy...
Now this is simping...... and tricking at the same time.

The fact that he put a # on it makes me think he's also paying to cheat on her. It'll be funny if she denies him. No it'd be funnier if she says yes but gets gang-banged by a bunch of dark as night bbc dudes at her bachelorette party and lets him know.
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What he fails to understand is that this is just like insurance

He's lied to her before, so she can't believe his words

So he put up that money so she obviously believes him

and thats sincere love bruhs?

in other words if he had no money to insure his faithfulness hed be **** out of luck then...

i dont think ya understand....i understand perfectly whats going on.
What he fails to understand is that this is just like insurance

He's lied to her before, so she can't believe his words

So he put up that money so she obviously believes him

and thats sincere love bruhs?

in other words if he had no money to insure his faithfulness hed be **** out of luck then...

i dont think ya understand....i understand perfectly whats going on.

No one is saying that's sincere love

I doubt she was completely over him and I believe she some what still has love for him

But in a way I see something else like betting on your on performance

Don't know what to completely make of this but I see what your saying
well thats what im saying, shes asking him to put up money through a contract to give him another chance, shes in it for the money....secretely shes hoping dude cheats and she comes off with 350 milli on top of the 100 milli she got from the divorce.

this chick is gonna be richer than him....i wouldnt be surprised if she sets up traps for him to cheat.
He's not paying her, dont you see that...
there is a clause with half his fortune involved in it for her to go back to him, sounds ALOT like hes paying for her.
IF he gets caught cheating again.  You're married and don't understand how prenups work steezy?

What he fails to understand is that this is just like insurance

He's lied to her before, so she can't believe his words

So he put up that money so she obviously believes him
and thats sincere love bruhs?

in other words if he had no money to insure his faithfulness hed be **** out of luck then...

i dont think ya understand....i understand perfectly whats going on.
my response to you is:
None of us have millions to throw around but think about how many other, much simpler, non-monetary sacrifices and shows of commitments dudes make for their wives and girlfriends everyday.
Tiger just has more money than you so that's really all he has to bargain with.  $350 mil to him is the equivalent of you quitting your weekly poker game and cutting off some of your boys to join a book club with your girl.

The point is she's challenging his commitment to HER and hitting him where she thinks he'd care most.  If he can risk parting with that if he ***** up again then she believes he's earnest in his commitment.
Yeah I get how it works, the way it seems is as if this is an added bonus to their prenup...that's insane.
As a man you take care of your woman, you can't tell me a wan who truly loves her man is gonna have a clause in their prenup that states "if caught cheating, I want xxx amount of money"

This is crystal clear man.
She's not challenging him, she's taking a bet, which in reality is a win win for her, they together, she's rich, he cheats, she's even richer...

What'a love to 350M?...
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