The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

I don't even know why Epic is raising money with all that Tencent money.
This money could've gone into acquiring another studio but Epic has a bright future so this could just be normal business.

Better SONY than Tencent in the grand scheme of things.
I'm sure you've got stories for days. Give us the details

Nothing in particular... you just can't make anyone happy, people will ***** and moan about everything. Also console fanboyism is super annoying and the internet is full of em. I just lost interest, but I did enjoy doing it as a hobby, I just don't think I would have enjoyed making a career out of it... but I think the same can be said for most jobs.
What’s the consensus on TLOU2 in this thread? Too many fragile gamergaters out there nuking it to get a real feel on if this game might be for me.

Be patient and find a copy on discount via Craigslist or Kijiji.
So many people cannot, or choose not to, separate opinion from fact. It seems like respect for differing opinions just doesn't exist anymore, at least with the vocal minority.

Pretty disheartening.
It's like people are waiting to debate and trash any opinion that doesn't agree with their views.
Hardly ever shop there, and when I do I don't engage in such conversations with their employees or customers.

neither do i hate supporting that company but my local mom and pop doesn't do steelbooks or limited products so I'm forced to occasionally. cashier asked me what games I plan on playing while buying the 500 mill controler didn't feel like talking told him fifa he said any real games. think that was the last thing I bought there.



Looks good to me.
neither do i hate supporting that company but my local mom and pop doesn't do steelbooks or limited products so I'm forced to occasionally. cashier asked me what games I plan on playing while buying the 500 mill controler didn't feel like talking told him fifa he said any real games. think that was the last thing I bought there.
About two years ago my son got a gift card for there. We bought overwatch and some pops. Cashier ask my son what other games he likes. My son says Fortnight. Guy rolled his eyes. I'm like to my son is 11 (at the time), that game is tailored for him. Ring me up. No I don't want a power up rewards, no I don't want to preorder anything, no I don't want any used games.
It's like they're offended when someone has different taste.
It sucks for y’all but I have NEVER had a bad experience at GameStop. I’ve been shopping there since 02/3 maybe, when it was EB Games. It seems like all the employees are usually chill and we just chop it up about games. Sure they ask me about pre-orders and offer used over new (one chick told me I could beat RE7 in less than a week in which I could return it for full credit if I buy used) but that’s their job. It’s no different than buying shoes and them asking if I want some kinda shoe cleaner or some extra socks. I guess YMMV.
^ same. Never had a bad experience with them. The most annoying thing they ask me is “do you want insurance on your disk”

me: no

and life goes on.
It sucks for y’all but I have NEVER had a bad experience at GameStop. I’ve been shopping there since 02/3 maybe, when it was EB Games. It seems like all the employees are usually chill and we just chop it up about games. Sure they ask me about pre-orders and offer used over new (one chick told me I could beat RE7 in less than a week in which I could return it for full credit if I buy used) but that’s their job. It’s no different than buying shoes and them asking if I want some kinda shoe cleaner or some extra socks. I guess YMMV.

This. I have never had an issue. They just usually ask me if there is anything I want to pre-order and that's about it.
Yeah I never really had a bad gamestop experience, just chill *** gamers. I remember buying a controller for my media pc, I think it was the steam one which was new at that point and dude was like you don't want that man. Opened up a new one so I could try it and everything and he was right.
Not a single bad gamestop experience in my life.

Every time I go there its like the Discover twins commercial. We always on the same wave length and can get straight to business or have a discussion about a couple games and consoles.
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A few bad experiences I’ve had a GS over the years:

Some girl working at a local store was really trying to explain to me how XB1X at $499 at the time right after launch was a discount and how Microsoft should have priced it at $599 or higher :lol:
A few bad experiences I’ve had a GS over the years:

Some girl working at a local store was really trying to explain to me how XB1X at $499 at the time right after launch was a discount and how Microsoft should have priced it at $599 or higher :lol:

That was probably D deleted 's cousin Mary Sue Ann
After checking out the ACG review, I’m deciding to pass on TLOU2. Def have a current gaming void, but just started looking into GoT. Hoping it lives up to how stunning it looks and is the answer for filling that void, which coincidentally has been left empty from me completing Sekiro.
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