The Old PlayStation Thread | *NEW THREAD IS UP*

i havent bought an xbox since the 360 skipped over the one but that series s is looking like a good option to just play xbox exclusives and it wont have to go on the only hdmi 2.1 connection on my tv

looking like ima get the series s and the disc version ps5 so far.
This might be the route I go with also. I was considering getting the X, but if it’s only going to be an exclusive/GPU machine, there’s no need to get the better version. Plus, the S will look nicer next to the two tone PS5 :lol:
Team Green lurkers on here still post in here and when anyone posts negative reports or reviews on anything XBOX related or you give your thoughts you know who comes in here with the quickness or they say "There is no console war anymore" :lol:

Y’all talk about Xbox in here every page. The Xbox heads never start the Xbox discussion, we’re allowed to counter something if we don’t agree.
Hit the Xbox thread and there’s rarely mention of PS but you go in there posting anti Xbox articles constantly without constructing your own thoughts on things. Sad.
Y’all talk about Xbox in here every page. The Xbox heads never start the Xbox discussion, we’re allowed to counter something if we don’t agree.
Hit the Xbox thread and there’s rarely mention of PS but you go in there posting anti Xbox articles constantly without constructing your own thoughts on things. Sad.

There are heads who's come on here and do start things up, though.

All fun and games, though.
There are heads who's come on here and do start things up, though.

All fun and games, though.

Look at every other page in the Xbox thread and you'll see homeboy in there with some bias article or a hardware meme saying something he can't explain on his own. What you post in there is more for fun and that's cool but dude is just an incredibly bad troll.
I'm all for fun and games but dude stays trying to divert everything to the Xbox people when he is by far the worst offender of what he is trying to put on us, and when he's actually used his own words it's the same material over and over again.
Rusty pops in here like 1/8 as often.
FWIW I think both consoles are going to kill it and want both to be successful. I'm not on that pick a side and ride for it til death ****, I am getting my Xbox first though and will get the PS5 in a few years. I don't understand wanting one to fail.
Look at every other page in the Xbox thread and you'll see homeboy in there with some bias article or a hardware meme saying something he can't explain on his own. What you post in there is more for fun and that's cool but dude is just an incredibly bad troll.
I'm all for fun and games but dude stays trying to divert everything to the Xbox people when he is by far the worst offender of what he is trying to put on us, and when he's actually used his own words it's the same material over and over again.
Rusty pops in here like 1/8 as often.

Rumor has it RustyShackleford RustyShackleford was on tiktok playing littlebigplanet 3.
people keep talking about developers having an issue with this and that - how many developers do we have in here again?

or am I just naive to think Microsoft knows what they are doing.

We had a developer:frown:

What MS is doing is great for them not for us :lol:
It makes sense for their plans. Also It's good as a cheap entry into next gen but the fear of being held back is real.

Those tweets I posted are from devs from iD software. Doom is one of the most scalable games so I'm sure they know what they're talking about.

Of course they will but I'm just stating that they do have a choice. It seems to me these devs will use the S as an excuse anytime their game runs poorly.
Not the devs who have to answer to publishers like EA and Activision. They won't have a choice. I can't see MS allowing any big studios or anyone for that matter to skip the S because that will be a disaster. They've probably mandated it.

I won't be surprised to see games on the S struggle the further we get into next gen. Using current gen as an example. The Witcher 3 had to be patched how many times because the framerate was so bad. Sub 20fps at some points. Once the pro and XboneX came out, even more games had sub par performance on base console. Not unplayable but no one wants sub 30fps and sub 1080p games.

Next gen on the other hand isn't going to launch with weak consoles like current gen but Series S throws some doubt into the air as to whether games will be held back. It won't be an issue now but 5, 6 years from now it certainly could

It Begins.
Already seeing some downsides to having less RAM than the XboneX

Folks need to remember most homes are still on 1080p TVs and the most popular video card is still like the 1060 or something not a high end gtx or rtx series. The world is vast. It's fantastic those folks can get in on next gen. The S is in a great spot.
Not if you're a 3rd party developer.

If you're all of the 3 groups in MS first party camp, you will be paid handsomely to port to the crippled S. If you're a 3rd party developer, the sacrifice they will have to make to run a game a Series S could be wild, equivalent of modem speeds 28k vs. 200mb.

Developers are looking at this like, MS is scared of Sony, so they ****** us to get more consoles in homes.
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