The President in Movies

Aug 1, 2012
Barrack Obama , the first African American president of the United States , was inaugurated in January 2008 . Since then many movies have been filmed and released tht shows the President's face either through random occurrence or because the films plot is based around the President, White House, government, etc. If movies want to have an audience actually feel like they'rein the movie and it be as "real" as possible why aren't any of the Presidents black ? I figured tht would be the logical thing to do tht would draw in more of a crowd due to its real life nature . Thought about this when i saw the trailer of the upcoming movie "Olympus has Fallen" . i thought Morgan Freeman was playing the President and come to find out its Aaron Eckhart . (same dude who played 2-Face on "The Dark Knight")

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Btw I mean real life movies not sic-fi or comedies like:
Head of State - Chris Rock
2012 - Danny Glover
Idiocracy - Terry Crews
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