The Question of all Questions


Feb 7, 2008
You get home.

You start walking up the flight of stairs to your room.

Halfway up, you hear your mom's voice yell "insert your name" from one of the rooms down the hall you're approaching, out-of-view.

Suddenly, downstairs you hear your mom's voice yell "No, don't, that wasn't me!"

Which one do you trust?
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I'm jumping out the window or making a dash for the front door and getting the hell out of there. **** no I'm not investigating the source. I ain't that dummy in the movie.
I had nightmares about this as a child.

Like, impostor parents dreams.

Don't bring back those feels, b.
I burst out into fearful tears then proceed to call Peter, Ray, Winston, and Egon for help.
The question was impetuous, these answers are impregnable.

I'd probably yell, "What's the first vacation destination we ever went to? Yell it out at 1, 2,...."
I s_ right there on the stairs.

The one that doesn't clean it up OR the one that willingly cleans it up no questions asked is the imposter.

My mama would clean it up after cursing at me & giving me a swift smack with a tsinelas.
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The question was impetuous, these answers are impregnable.

I'd probably yell, "What's the first vacation destination we ever went to? Yell it out at 1, 2,...."
What if it's your subconscious playing games with you? You'll in turn answer all your questions correct!

If you believe in God you wouldn't look back ... You would just keep going about your way.
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