The scariest movie you saw???


Dec 24, 2005
like the title says... for me it was signs esp. when that alien walk pass through the birthday party.... that part had me shook
I saw Alien when I was four, so that was scary until my four-year-old attention span gave out and I got bored.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with Jessica Biel


uuuuummmm!!! Jessica Biel
Originally Posted by TheGGGame

like the title says... for me it was signs esp. when that alien walk pass through the birthday party.... that part had me shook

LOL, everyone at the theater got shooked in that scene; and the way Scary Movie 3 parodied it makes it even more funny.

Hmmm, The 6th Sense was one of the only movies that I covered my eyes in for a scary movie, but I was like 11 then.

An eerie movie would be Session 9.
The Shinning (OG) forever will be a classic. The Exorcist has always been hilarious for me, even as a little kid.
Slasher/Monster movies like Freddy & Jason were always too
for me to take seriously.
Originally Posted by TheGGGame

like the title says... for me it was signs esp. when that alien walk pass through the birthday party.... that part had me shook

i ain't even gonna front, signs made me jump out of my seat literally when the german shepherd barked. it was unexpected.

i have yet to see another movie that made me jump out of my seat in the theaters.
Dead Silence scared me so bad i froze and almost pissed myself

Candyman is OG scary

but both the Rings and Grudges are bad news.....they were horrible scary movies
Not a movie.......

But Michael Jackson's thriller gave me nightmares for months when I was younger. I still don't even like watching it now for that reason.


and i've watched plenty of horror movies, so to pick only one is tough...but this movie gave me nightmares as a child...


I gotta say The Ring. When they found their daughter in the closet and when Samara came out of the TV. Couldn't sleep for days.

Only the first time, though. I swear there was no blood but I screamed and jumped like a #+@!% more than once.
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