the thread about nothing...

I thought 50 was kidding that Flloyd Mayweather can't read but apparently he really can't. Not does this guy beat women but he has the reading level of a 3rd grader. Damn...

Kelly green >

I simply stated that I had very little white friends. Now you turn that into a consensus for ALL of NT?

And on top of that you say my statement means Blacks should only hang out with Blacks?

And then you disregard my "All races are rich in their own culture" comment?

Go home loser
"Clique full of Gs, And they go ape,Dont swing through the trees

Tried, them triggers will squeeze, Did it with sleeze" 
My white friends are cool till race issues come up.
It's like talking to a brick wall sometimes.
The NFC Championship game with Sherman at the end showed me that some of the ones I know just didn't understand.
*went to rep, over rep limit 

"Breakfast, had two *******, two blunts and a turkey bacon sandwich"

[Marv Albert] YES! [/Marv Albert]

I sense some disturbance in the calm waters of TAN

I aint feelin it
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