the thread about nothing...

[@]Moe Fab[/@

Got hit with on/off showers till about 3 and stopped after that.

I need to start studying for the GRE again, have to get my Masters and move up in life. I'm 27 and I know I'm not where I want to be.
I need to find a comprehensive website that has PC ratings.  I am so sick of "oh that i5 processor is neutered it runs like an i3 just with less power"  Or "the hard drive is impossible to replace with an SSD"  

There are so many stupid caveats these days.

I need to create an index that takes into account all of this stuff.  Price/speed/HD reliability/Ram/Screen res/touch or not/weight/battery life...etc.  And have a personalized what is the best pc for you on the market give your needs in each category.

While i am at it i am also going to create an index for cell phone plans.  Average data used/lines on the plan/available phones on carrier/price of plan/RECEPTION in your local area....etc and then tell you what is the best plan to fit your needs.

I will do one for shoes as well.  Runner?  What distances.  Cross training?  Lift heavy or high intensity heavy?  Support vs Barefoot scales.  Pronation or undr pronation?  Wide foot or narrow?What shoes fit your needs the best.  

Can we do this for clothing as well.  How hard is it to measure the model tell us his dimensions on clothing websites.  I know some do it already but good lord how can a 33 waist that is Vanity sized fit like a freakin 36.  What is vanity sizing anyway just measure the damb waist 

I feel like this should be done with everything that has a price as well.  Like true car for everything.  Catalog what people pay for things and let the world know what the cheapest it can be had is and what the most expensive is.  I feel like this is do able with product codes and some how pulling final transaction cost for a certain product code

Starting a sports podcast with the homie. should be up in a few weeks
You have one subscriber off rip
Reggie wayne drinks bud light?
Your BUD is light we call it Reggie Wayne
You got them bars B
idk what to do with my life
Me neither
idk what to do with my life
sit back and write down what you want out of life
The money, the money, the money, the money, the CAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEE
Man I hate that I get invested in sports so much

I think that stresses me out more than anything in my life

Stupid I know but I can't help it
Hope everything works out for you & you find your path(s) in life. May be confusing now, but you seem like you got a good head on ya shoulders & are very mature compared to most. You'll get there

Just stop with the liver & onions though

When a girl says your butt is big/bigger than hers 
**** happens to me all the time

My girl claims its true but I don't think so.

:evil: pics?
I''m a dude who has a butt..... Its annoying and I hate it. I wish i could get rid of it.
Man I hate that I get invested in sports so much

I think that stresses me out more than anything in my life

Stupid I know but I can't help it
I gave up on this a long time ago.  Coming from another skins fan i don't know how you can constantly be disappointed by them.  Between that and just the decline of the NFL as a watchable product i can't do it.  I even hate going to games these days just due to the wild inconvenience of traffic, parking, rowdy fans, no wifi for fantasy.  It baffles me sometimes that people still continue to watch football.

Despite the arbitrary foul calls in both sports the NBA and EPL (soccer english premier league) are just better products.  You could argue baseball too but i just am not a big fan of the sport in general but i do enjoy being at the ball park.
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