the thread about nothing...

Damb Tan is slow.

So chick i sort of like has been dodgy.  She is one of those girls that is like "we should meet up"  "my friends are all going out you should meet up with us"  Like i understand that i appreciate the invite but i am not rolling out to meet up with you and your friends solo.  And if i can't get a wing man on call that isn't going to happen.  Then the 2 times i ask you to go out grab dinner you say yes....then something "comes up" and youre "really really sorry lets plan something next week for sure".

One more chance then its on to the next one
Just gotta ignore those type of girls for a hot sec... If they like you, they'll come back.

Treat her like a last resort and she'll make you her top priority.

She "had a work emergency and had to stay super late"  Last thursday when we were supposed to hang and watch thursday night football.  So i was cool about it.  Didn't talk to her then saturday night she drunk texted me to come over around 12:30.  I had a soccer game early sunday so i said no.  Figure i will try this week one last time and if it doesn't happen she will become just the late night hook up type....which sucks because she is actually really cool.  
Bae got me Ghostbusters Krispy Kreme

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