the thread about nothing...

I just got a new job in a new city, but I'm dealing with some personal issues that's putting a damper on my enjoyment. Somewhat unrelated, but I need to play the lottery. I've got to have more money than I have/will make.
Morning Tan

Headed to my 8:30 meeting. In meetings until 12 today. Then i have 4 more tomorrow. Man its true the higher you get up the latter the less you do...but i miss the down and in days. The number crunching and actual work. This up and out stuff is getting old fast (its only been 2 days). But I do have a nice project coming up that will let me close my door put in headphones and do some work.
Anybody else live in a beach town where bikinis are illegal? Or is it just where I'm at? Saw cops writing tickets out the *** yesterday on the beach. Just regular sexy, not South Beach sexy.
I just got a new job in a new city, but I'm dealing with some personal issues that's putting a damper on my enjoyment. Somewhat unrelated, but I need to play the lottery. I've got to have more money than I have/will make.
You and me both bro.
How is it only Wednesday? This week is inching by...

Only things that are getting me through the week are writing for my blog, my Ksubi jeans coming in the mail tomorrow and Supreme's Thursday drop lol
Im going to whiten my teeth tonight after dinner with this at home kit. Hopefully it works, and I only need to do it twice. Not looking forward to having no coffee or coloured foods for 48hrs tho

I used the crest strips once. It does work, not completely white but a lot whiter than before.

Half way thru my spring break and I haven't done anything but study.
Round 1 of teeth whitening didn't do a great deal, gonna OD on the paste and double the time tonight. Il be taking a break from it after tonight tho, this no drinking coloured drinks and eating coloured foods is ******. Been eating yoghurt and bread and tuna and crisps. I need chocolate and coffee!
Round 1 of teeth whitening didn't do a great deal, gonna OD on the paste and double the time tonight. Il be taking a break from it after tonight tho, this no drinking coloured drinks and eating coloured foods is ******. Been eating yoghurt and bread and tuna and crisps. I need chocolate and coffee!

Was so confused when I read "crisps". Then I saw your location.

I could never do that, pretty sure I'm actually addicted to coffee.
Was so confused when I read "crisps". Then I saw your location.

I could never do that, pretty sure I'm actually addicted to coffee.

Haha I only wrote crisps because I thought the americans would questionin me if I said "chips".
Yeh its bad! Last attempt tonight then **** it
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