the thread about nothing...

send me your number so we can text 
lulz that post being from two years ago and still perfectly applicable today.

the grass really is rarely greener on the other side.
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Went to happy hour yesterday with my lady to get some sushi.

Dude brings me the check "There are two checks in there, one with the full price and one with the discount that you paid". I look at the check...its just the happy hour you didn't give me a not tipping on the total amount when i came for happy hour. These are your set prices during this time period. What kind of BS game is this? Discount?!? bruh na i am always a good tipper too and i still left 20% on the HAPPY HOUR check...which equated to 14% on the full price. But i won't be going back to that place any time soon. Sad too because every roll even the fancy ones are half off. But i don't get down with those shenanigans
Went to happy hour yesterday with my lady to get some sushi.

Dude brings me the check "There are two checks in there, one with the full price and one with the discount that you paid". I look at the check...its just the happy hour you didn't give me a not tipping on the total amount when i came for happy hour. These are your set prices during this time period. What kind of BS game is this? Discount?!? bruh na i am always a good tipper too and i still left 20% on the HAPPY HOUR check...which equated to 14% on the full price. But i won't be going back to that place any time soon. Sad too because every roll even the fancy ones are half off. But i don't get down with those shenanigans

So he gave you the full price check just so you'd base your tips off that?

Your tip is supposed to come from what you pay not MRSP
Went to happy hour yesterday with my lady to get some sushi.

Dude brings me the check "There are two checks in there, one with the full price and one with the discount that you paid". I look at the check...its just the happy hour you didn't give me a not tipping on the total amount when i came for happy hour. These are your set prices during this time period. What kind of BS game is this? Discount?!? bruh na i am always a good tipper too and i still left 20% on the HAPPY HOUR check...which equated to 14% on the full price. But i won't be going back to that place any time soon. Sad too because every roll even the fancy ones are half off. But i don't get down with those shenanigans


So he gave you the full price check just so you'd base your tips off that?

Your tip is supposed to come from what you pay not MRSP :lol:

idk why he gave me the full priced check. Like i assume it was to attempt to get a bigger tip. Idk if that is common practice or not. But ive never had it happen before. Like if i go to any other bar happy hour...they just bring me my check...with the price.
Went to happy hour yesterday with my lady to get some sushi.

Dude brings me the check "There are two checks in there, one with the full price and one with the discount that you paid". I look at the check...its just the happy hour you didn't give me a not tipping on the total amount when i came for happy hour. These are your set prices during this time period. What kind of BS game is this? Discount?!? bruh na i am always a good tipper too and i still left 20% on the HAPPY HOUR check...which equated to 14% on the full price. But i won't be going back to that place any time soon. Sad too because every roll even the fancy ones are half off. But i don't get down with those shenanigans


So he gave you the full price check just so you'd base your tips off that?

Your tip is supposed to come from what you pay not MRSP :lol:

idk why he gave me the full priced check. Like i assume it was to attempt to get a bigger tip. Idk if that is common practice or not. But ive never had it happen before. Like if i go to any other bar happy hour...they just bring me my check...with the price.
It's real out there in the waiter/server industry :lol:
In Beyonce's 'Formation' video, people had sooo much to say about that sinking cop car and the wall that said, "Stop Shooting Us"

I bet this is a very painful "I told you so" moment for her

Better not see rare post in here again without pics.

Dont care if its of da bathroom in da plane or of da overhead compartment.
I'm about to apply for asylum when I go to Europe. Things are too crazy in America and too many people have guns
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