the thread about nothing...

About to go watch a movie, eat lunch, come home to finish Bleach, and go for a run.

Sometimes I hate being single. To much time on my hands. Then again when I'm dating or talking to someone I hate how annoying texting and calling every second of the day is.
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I still haven't gotten a PS4, my 360 is the latest I have and it's a dust magnet 

Damn homey !!

Trade that sucker in for a Xbox One, they only $199.
I could have sworn I said I wanted a PS4, and not Xbox One

**** that ps4, buy one of these


Sometimes I hate being single. To much time on my hands. Then again when I'm dating or talking to someone I hate how annoying texting and calling every second of the day is.
perhaps you can date someone who respects 'me' time? it's the best thing ever. :smile: clingy folks <<<<
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We were changing out a light fixture on a pole and I missed cutting off one breaker so he got a mild zap while wiring the fixture to the pole while standing up on the ladder. He cursed me out right when someone was stepping out of the house to leave and she heard every word :frown: :smh:

He got down off the ladder and said follow me to the breaker box unit then proceeded to cut the last switch off

Then he sized me up with a death stare and said you could have got me ******* killed you idiot and don't ever pull **** like that again you ******* got it

I'm standing there like [emoji]128563[/emoji][emoji]128528[/emoji][emoji]128542[/emoji]

Trying to settle down and play Xbox but my nerves rattled right now

As someone who is a project manager in construction......dude what the **** were you doing?

I understand his frustration but he still shouldn't call you an idiot, I would cuss you out too but I wouldn't call you names. His life was in your hands tho, he probably saw his life flash right in front of him.

he sized you up tho? I hope your paws were at the ready and not just standing there shook.
My friend decided to apply for my company would it be a snake of me to not recommend him for the job?
Did he put down that he knows you? Is he expecting you to put in a word for him? Did you tell him your company was hiring?
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