the thread about nothing...

I saw on ESPN that he was the greatest offensive threat ever..

Chamberlain averaged 50 a whole season lol

What harden is doing is impressive to me but at the same time it's not lol

I can't explain it.
If Harden carries the Rockets to the finals then I'll be impressed
Not sure if thats possible because a part of the reason they dont make it is because of him. Refs real selective with them whistles in the playoffs because they dont want to ruin the game. If he's not getting them calls he falls apart
Intern interview in t-minus 4 hours. Been brushing up on info all day. Got my practice interview questions all hashed out. Solid strength/weakness script memorized. Plenty of questions for my interviewer. It’s going down!

Good looks. Hope all went well here!
Intern interview in t-minus 4 hours. Been brushing up on info all day. Got my practice interview questions all hashed out. Solid strength/weakness script memorized. Plenty of questions for my interviewer. It’s going down!

Good looks. Hope all went well here!
This is the highest scoring season since 1984

I know harden is putting up amazing numbers and playing great but it just doesn't wow me for some reason.

It’s ineffecient and a by product of CP3 being hurt to keep them competitive until his return. 5-20 from the 3 and only beating the knicks by 4 ..... nah
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