the thread about nothing...

I was just thinking how it would be without smartphones. Like if i was living my current life in 1997 or something. It just seems like everything was so much more intimate back then. If I had nothing but a tv and landline, it would feel so much more serene, i suppose lonely could be a description, but 'serene' just houses much more opportunity.

Just seems like things were more genuine. Talking to a female required actual talking, in person, on the phone, on a date. Then you could just reflect on it afterwards. Hanging with friends required some sort of planning and everyone was actually engaged with one another. There's beauty in that simplicity. It's almost like what it means to be a person has changed with this influx of tech; so many people are attention seeking and trying to become famous and there's a lot of predators under that bridge.

I'm grateful for the tech that we have but it's eating some of us alive.

VR is great but i feel that it's gonna be the next big gulp. Lots of people can't travel and experience lavish things so vr is the next best thing. Cats gonna be walking around like the guy from star trek.

The VR thing is strange to me. I feel like it will realllly blur the lines of people/reality. Like when you can sit in your home and walk around the sistine chapel. You then tell people you went to the sistine chapel? I mean you saw it...and you experienced it right? Or does the flight...the train to get there...the weather that day...the experience become more then the actual sight you went to see? Are you a liar if you tell people you went to the sistine chapel but only did a 4k full 360 degree VR experience?

Just makes me think people will be all "omg i went to the amazon rainforest it was crazy...i legit was in the rain forest and there were huge orangutans everywhere" but you didn't actually go went via VR. Same as " i talked to jill yesterday her mom is in the hospital" no you didn't...she posted that on facebook like you didn't actually talk to her...well the outcome is the should the means actually matter?
I really wish I could go back to not having a phone but it’s so convenient

If I were rich I wouldn’t have one

My wife and I don’t have any social media and our friends look at us like we’re crazy.

I don’t know if I could completely give up my phone though. I’m addicted to NT, YouTube, and iTunes music
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Sleeping naked
It's only been 4 business days

That's not that bad imo.
And there was a holiday
Yeah but they cancelled my order cause they didn’t have my lebron 3s in stock. I I never asked for it to be canceled along side the air Jordan infrared jacket I purchased.
need your help nt...i'm renting a town home and have water damage in my place from a washing machine not being hooked up properly.

if anybody has been through that sort of thing, how long does it normally take to get everything fixed?
should I call my insurance company or should I call a restoration place first? why?

any help is appreciated. thanks.
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