the thread about nothing...

What shoes where u wearing
Restaurants alread operate on slim margins. I dont see how many of them will survive the next few months
it’s a virus that can be transmitted airborne. Through your eyes, nose, or mouth. And can live on surfaces for a couple of days. Yet here we are pushing our luck.
Positive everything is gonna open up. Then that second wave gonna hit. Then we’re gonna be back to step one
Americans are too stubborn and not as disciplined as people in other countries.
Hey NT fam. I just have a small request to ask of you guys. Unfortunately, yesterday morning I lost my mother to the coronavirus. She fought & she fought hard for 3 weeks but ultimately the virus got the best of her & she has returned to Allah. To all my NT family, if you don't mind, I ask you all to keep my mother in your prayers. Her name is Saeeda(pronounced Sa-E-Da). Please pray that Allah forgives all her sins & she is granted Janaat(heaven). Please pray that her grave never goes dark & that Allah keeps it lit up with the eternal light. This is a first for all of us in my family, we have lost our Matriarch, our anchor, our world who was a kind, generous & loving soul without an ounce of hate/judgement in her. She was taken from us young & ahead of her time. She was only 56 & was bound to become a first time grandmother this December as my sister-in-law is pregnant. I apologize to bother you guys with my personal sorrow but please if you have just one minute out of your busy schedules all I ask is for a prayer to be made & sent my moms way. Thank you to each & every single one of you from the depths of my heart, your prayers will mean the world to me & my family. I hope you're all staying healthy/safe during these terrifying pandemic times we're all living in. Hold your loved ones close, hug them & tell them you love them as tomorrow might not allow you the opportunity. Everyone use gloves & facemasks when you're outside. Stay blessed, stay safe, stay alive & I pray God blesses you & your loved ones with nothing but good health & prosperity.

zmaqbool zmaqbool
My condolences.
zmaqbool zmaqbool

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un!

My condolences to you and your family brother. May Allah dwell your mother in Jannatul Firdaus and mercy on her soul.

May Allah give you patience and healing during these difficult times.

If you ever need to get stuff off your cheat, my DM is always open.
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