the thread about nothing...

I haven't watch a lot yet, but I think they even talk about lucid dreams, which is a theme no one talks in real life while it's something interesting for me
I always have lucid dreams.. :nthat:
I did back in 2014. There was a hack circulating on the internet around that time that let you cheat it into thinking it was plugged in your car when it wasn't.
Thanks for the response man. Did you go through with it all the way or the hack & did you get a reasonable discount? They probably fixed any & every hack method by now. I've decided against it. I like driving my Maxima hard & a pull here & there in the Challenger. Can't see myself not hoonin in my cars for a 6 month period lol

" During a sleep paralysis experience, the person wakes up unable to move or speak. The only active muscles are the eye muscles and the respiratory muscles. The sensation is similar to that of a daydream. The attacks are most often short and do not exceed a few minutes. "

Who have already experimented this ?
Used to happen to me when I was younger but not any longer. Been so long I actually cant remember how old the last time it did happen.
Used to happen to me when I was younger but not any longer. Been so long I actually cant remember how old the last time it did happen.

wish I could say the same. I started having at least one episode a week about 15years ago. There are some weeks where I experience this every night and times where I have multiple episodes in a single night, where I wake up from it then as SOON as I fall back asleep I slip back into it repeatedly. It’s the worst.On nights like that I just end up staying awake for a couple hours before getting back to sleep. Obviously, I’m beat by the morning.

I used to struggle with snapping out of it early on and would try to yell or nudge my girl to get her attention. She’s a light sleeper and has been great with waking me up to snap out of it. I’ve since learned how to stop it pretty quickly but it’s still very much a pain in the *** to deal with and can be quite scary for years till you get a hold of it.
wish I could say the same. I started having at least one episode a week about 15years ago. There are some weeks where I experience this every night and times where I have multiple episodes in a single night, where I wake up from it then as SOON as I fall back asleep I slip back into it repeatedly. It’s the worst.On nights like that I just end up staying awake for a couple hours before getting back to sleep. Obviously, I’m beat by the morning.

I used to struggle with snapping out of it early on and would try to yell or nudge my girl to get her attention. She’s a light sleeper and has been great with waking me up to snap out of it. I’ve since learned how to stop it pretty quickly but it’s still very much a pain in the *** to deal with and can be quite scary for years till you get a hold of it.
I went on like this for a while also where it would happen at least once a week. Not so much these days tho. Waking up from it and falling back asleep right away would guarantee me about an 80% chance that it would happen again. There were also dreams where I would snap out of the paralysis, wake up, go back to sleep, and have the paralysis happen again only to wake up in real life and realize that the first time I woke up I was still dreaming. And I get those shadow figures and demon like characters with no face that seem like they're always trying to take my soul lol. Not fun.

But I also have a weird ability to know that I'm dreaming most of the time I dream. So I take full control of my dream. It's a crazy feeling. It's feels like a video game with a cheat code where I can do whatever I want and create whatever I want except it feels real.
walkingBred walkingBred yup, I get the shadow figures too. Used to freak me out but like you said I’m usually able to tell now when I’m dreaming so it doesn’t bother me much these days. And yeah, I often have dreams where I can control everything and sometimes I’ll play a scene over and over to experience different outcomes. ****’s crazy lol
great topic about lucid dreams. I just had one last night and still can remember it. in my dream, I was going home to a certain familiar neighborhood that only existed in my dream, like I've seen it somewhere before. kinda like a grassy path leading to the house where a met a familiar dog that I knew. then suddenly the dog faced a certain direction looking towards something that I couldn't see. the dog started whimpering in fear then I felt an errie feeling that a ghost is infront of us. I started screaming but felt I couldn't raise my voice like someone is closing my mouth or blocking my throat. got waken up by my wife saying she heard me whimpering in my sleep. I didn't go back to sleep immediately and waited a few minutes. it was weird.

on the otherhand, had dreams where I didn't want to wake up. the most annoying part is that you are just about to that stage of excitement then suddenly you wake up or someone disturbs you from that moment. so annoying.
great topic about lucid dreams. I just had one last night and still can remember it. in my dream, I was going home to a certain familiar neighborhood that only existed in my dream, like I've seen it somewhere before.
Couple years back i used to constantly have dreams in the same setting/building that only existed in the dream. But twice or three times a week, the dream would be in that location. Some real Inception dream builder type ****.

The location pops up once in a blue moon whenever I do dream now. In fact, the dream I posted about a couple days back that had 3 things stick out was in a different building but similar settings.
Couple years back i used to constantly have dreams in the same setting/building that only existed in the dream. But twice or three times a week, the dream would be in that location. Some real Inception dream builder type ****.

The location pops up once in a blue moon whenever I do dream now. In fact, the dream I posted about a couple days back that had 3 things stick out was in a different building but similar settings.
not to mention a dream within a dream. had that one as well.
I’ve never had a lucid dream, but I always know what’s going on when I pee in a dream. I will realize I’m peeing in a dream, recognize what’s about to happen and wake right up. :lol:
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