the thread about nothing...

sounds like she still likes drugs then. :lol: it was that bad?

Part 1: The theater show
We both arrive about 5 minutes before the theater show is about to start so aside from a quick conversation we initially didn't have the opportunity to say much. She did say she was "sober, I only took some Concerta (slow release adderall) earlier today" :smh: :lol:

This was the worst theater show I've ever seen. Genuinely what the ****.
I guess the description did say it was based on the French book "the necrophile" but this turned out to be a 45 minute graphic romanticization of necrophilia.
At one point the dude started making nasty sound effects as he (in his words) "spread her jaws open". The woman, who I'll refer to as Talissa, started to look down at the floor with both hands on her head.

As the show ended, a couple who apparently know or are friends with her (?) noticed us so we hung out with them for a while.
When they eventually left, the dude said "hope you know what you're in for brother, here I'll buy you a beer"
A sign of things to come

Part 2: The wandering around the city
When they left, she wanted to walk around in the local park and so I brought up why she wanted to attend that show since it seemed to negatively affect her so much.
She then responds "idk it seemed interesting I thought it'd be like about the philosophy around death or something, but the sound part (that I referred to earlier) made me think of when I got raped"
This came out of nowhere but after a relatively quick therapy session she was back joking around etc. So I thought the worst was over.

Part 3: The bar-hopping
She declined to let me offer her a drink but she'd hustle a drink from a random dude at every bar we went to and then ignored them and suggested we leave after we finish our drinks :rofl:
According to her she had "money problems" from buying too much drugs but for some reason didn't let me pay for her drinks and insisted on hustling free drinks from other dudes or women.
Somehow this kept immediately working, and everywhere we went guys were trying to hit on her but without even consulting me she started to tell them to back off while pointing to me and claiming that I was in a crime syndicate. So at this point I'm totally lost and thinking this is bound to go sideways sooner or later.
Sure I have a lot of jewelry I guess but I don't think anyone has ever looked at me and felt intimidated. Either way this seemed to work.
At some points she described us as "Bonnie and Clyde" or as "the couple in that show 'the end of the ******* world', where one wants to kill the other"
I joked back that she was describing us as a couple but she went even further and said she sometimes has violent thoughts after she got raped. At this point the red flags have turned into a giant alarm.

Part 4: The final trainwreck.
At the last bar we went to, which was kind of mini club/dance bar, a dude was getting real handsy with everyone and at some point grabbed her *** while walking by.
She quickly grabs and goes over to ask security to kick him out, with both myself and one other girl vouching that he was inappropriately groping multiple women, but somehow this ended with us getting kicked out.
At this point I'm just tired and suggest going home, but suddenly the groper comes outside as well and starts going on a tirade about how he doesn't let anyone speak on his like that and whatever. Security steps in, and the groper (who happened to be black) starts claiming she's "racist and only tried to get rid of the only black man in the club"
I try to intervene and point out that I was a witness as well, as was the other girl who also got kicked out with us. Security immediately pushes me away from the discussion between Talissa, the groper and the outside security. The security at the door didn't see what took place inside, and they kept cutting her off before eventually one of the two guards agreed that she was probably just racist. Again while ignoring both the pleas of me and the other woman vouching that he went around groping damn near everyone.

This made her aggressive and she started yelling that she wasn't racist, that there are witnesses, but security just tells only her to just get lost and again pushes me away when I interject that I and this other girl next to me saw it. This triggered Talissa even more and as she got louder and starting shouting things like "well you're not even gonna let me or the witnesses right there speak, but sure, I'm the racist because I reported a groper who happened to be black?" I could tell she was going to explode any second now so I went to go calm her down but security kept blocking my way and refused to let me even speak to her even though I was clearly the only person in this conflict who could calm her down. So now I had to start shouting too.

Talissa went on an aggressive rant about how that particular bar clearly doesn't care about groping, which caused the groper to lunge out at her but he was blocked by security.
Despite all that, the groper went back inside that same dancebar/club, which is when she really exploded into drunken anger. She started angrily shouting at security to "please punch her come on, after all I'm just a filthy racist right? You didn't see what the groper did inside, won't even listen to anyone who can vouch for it and now I'm apparently a racist, " and again security kept blocking me from going near her. She then went on to full-on screaming about how the security were rape apologist good-for-nothings who aren't equipped to handle groping disputes, and got in their face asking them to punch her. Basically full drunken hysteria.
One of the security then has the nerve finally stop blocking me and tells me "she's your friend or girlfriend whatever, for ****'s sake take her away", which is what I'd been trying for the whole time but was blocked from even getting near her. Once I could actually go near her without security pushing me away, it took literally less than a minute to calm her down and convince her she needs to go home and to sleep.
After that, I tried to comfort her crying and assuring her that she wasn't racist, and that security blocked not just me but also the random woman who was also thrown out with Tallisa and I for vouching that she saw him groping multiple women.

She suggested going back to her bicycle so she can go home but it's an over 10m ride and she was crying non-stop so I just keeping hugging her until signalling a taxi to drive us both home. I just wanted to go home and peace out after dropping her off at her apartment but about half an hour later, Talissa calls me and says "I'm having violent thoughts. I want to set (name of bar) ablaze for not protecting women. I convinced her to just go to bed and get as much rest as she needs.
She said she was really thankful she got that reassurance from me and that's she'd do go right to bed and stay in bed for as long as she needs.

So that's roughly how this night went, in an as short as possible description that doesn't leave out key information.
I'm off to bed now too. It's 8:16AM and I think my sleeping pills are starting to affect my typing.
but I've never wanted to be a bucket this bad before seeing Sydney Sweeney munching on these damn wings mane
Belgium Belgium sounds like you called it in here before it happened.

Did she at least give you some of the drinks she hustled before she got you guys kicked out?
Belgium Belgium sounds like you called it in here before it happened.

Did she at least give you some of the drinks she hustled before she got you guys kicked out?
Not at that but she did manage hustle a free drink for both of us at two of the bars we went to :lol:
β€œPretty privilege” I suppose. Literally she just walks up, asks for a drink and they do it. Then she goes back over to me. :smh::lol:
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