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Thanks for the support fam… me and my boss are pretty cool that’s the only thing where I feel like he kinda oversteps his boundaries but besides that hes cool… I just think he doesn’t realize whats appropriate and inappropriate… but Im a keep this situation in my back pocket and bring it up just in case I get called out for something…I will give you another example… theres 4 of us in our department so me my boss and two other girls… one of the girls hes cool with I guess because both are Indian and speak the language… so he jokes with her all the time saying if he needs a loan because he bought a new car last year he can ask her cuz she has a lot of money…he assumes this because she doesn’t drive a fancy car, shes lives in an apartment and doesn’t go on vacation…he also always asks to when she will buy a house…
Speaking of what is considered as appropriate and inappropriate behavior or conversations, talking to patients somehow can be quite frustrating. So we act in a passive aggressive way tht would not seem disrespectful but enough to send the message that we have a very demanding job here so don't waste our time and don't mess around since we don't have time for their b.s. some patients are just bane in our existence and make them realize that it's not always about 1 persons drama. In the many conversations I had with patients, I would say this job makes me reconsider my life choices in a funny way. Or say to some annoying patients tht if they go to emergency, they will get the full assessment and lucky enough to be seen ahead of people who are in real dire need of treatment. I say this to patients that treat hospitals as mere clinic. Mind you that I have stern conversations with difficult patients and family members that my fellow nurses appreciate. I can be quite nice and humorous to real patients in need but can be quite tactless with self-privilege people that treat us like servants. We are also people and we don't tolerate abuse.
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