the thread about nothing...

Is Gen Z less tech savvy? I noticed a lot of the younger coworkers have trouble troubleshooting some basic problems even when IT is walking them through it. Or is that just my observation.

Its definitely true. Saw a video of a professor talking about the younger gen being app savvy but not tech savvy. They've grown up in a time where most things just kind of work so they've never learned how computers and tech actually work, they're just really good at using the stuff.
I’m kinda sad but happy yall… very long read… so this is basically about me planning a vacation for myself in December… I copped some tickets yesterday for a resort in Cabo for 5 days all inclusive… the resort I was going to is part of 3 resorts all right next to each other… they had a low level, mid level and higher end… the difference is better food and drinks in one hotel and if you get the most expensive one you get access to all 3…so when I was at work yesterday I was browsing and was like ok I’m a pick the mid level resort…already took PTO for my trip… when I get home and book the trip I changed my mind and was like I’m a pick the higher end resort so I can have access to all 3…so I copped the tickets and everything is done and my trip is booked… I just wanted to make sure I booked the correct resort so I called customer service this morning and they said it was complete opposite… I actually booked the mid level and not the higher end one…I coulda just been like ok whatever no big deal… but I didn’t want to have regrets after the trip was done so I was like let me change it…I go on Expedia and think you can just swap the resorts out and pay extra and that’s it…so that’s what I did I cancelled just the resort and not the flights and shuttle…I chose the correct resort but now the price was like 400-500 extra so I was like hell no… I guess this was because I was just choosing the resort and not the flight included but that doesn’t make sense since I already paid for the flight… so I was like you know what let me cancel everything and rebook the entire trip since I get a 100% refund… I got all my money back except for the flights… so I am just waiting for the refund to clear my card which takes a week and book it again…meanwhile my mom calls me at work telling me to cancel my trip because my mom wants to go and my sister and nephew but they don’t want to go to Mexico maybe Europe instead… she said she’s going to pay for it… so I’m like ok cool… but damb I really wanted to go on that trip… once the refund clears my card I still might go on my own lol…

Bruh planning a trip like
I gotta remember to take a vacation day on somebody's retirement day. Aint been here long enough to be more than surface happy for them, or really care tbh. Most people arent here to work today and I'm basically getting on their nerves :lol:
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