the thread about nothing...

Steezus Christ
that looks like my grandmas church shoes.

"Jehovah heavenly father" face ***.
 face *** used to be my whole ****
Chick posted a picture of a lady on the ground who was shot in her head at an ihop on Ig just so she can brag about how her nursing experiences helped her give her CPR. How the **** can you post a picture of somebody's family member near death/dead for a few likes???? The she had the nerve to post another picture of her modeling her outfit for the night talking bout how hurt/sad/tired she is from trying to save a life.[emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji] Another crazy thing is this Ihop is a 1 minute drive from me and it hasn't even been reported on any news outlet out here. If this broad made this whole thing up smfh
Chick posted a picture of a lady on the ground who was shot in her head at an ihop on Ig just so she can brag about how her nursing experiences helped her give her CPR. How the **** can you post a picture of somebody's family member near death/dead for a few likes???? The she had the nerve to post another picture of her modeling her outfit for the night talking bout how hurt/sad/tired she is from trying to save a life.[emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji] Another crazy thing is this Ihop is a 1 minute drive from me and it hasn't even been reported on any news outlet out here. If this broad made this whole thing up smfh

:x :x :x

I hate society
Damn you're in the thirst category now lookin like the bad guy when she's the flake and should've been held accountable by not warranting a reattempt. Don't get that pressed over new chicks.
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I met the black Boomhauer last night.

In attempt to understand what he was saying...the struggle was real.
Yup, you're gonna have that period Retro. Its in your best interest to move on to self discovery and other things to occupy her mind space.
The feelings are still there and I think about her a lot. Trying to get to the point where I can finally wash all of it out. Went on a date last night and all this chick did was talk about how a dude broke her heart and then asked about me and my last chick smh. It's tough going from talking to someone you cared about every day to not at all. We haven't talked in 2 weeks. A brother is just feeling...everything right now
Yup, you're gonna have that period Retro. Its in your best interest to move on to self discovery and other things to occupy her mind space.

Dreams are tough to fight and this is the best thing to do. Gotta find other things that are more important fam.

It's like sad day in TAN. :\
I never had dreams about none of my ex's after we broke up.. does that mean i really didn't like them ? 
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I never had dreams about none of my ex's after we broke up.. does that mean i really didn't like them ? 

Same except for this one, and we never even really got beyond a certain point. I guess that's why I still follow that feeling when it comes to her. Give it time retro, maybe you can see what went wrong and reconnect, but don't sit back hoping for it, live my dude.
sup guys

going to head out to so*cal for the day.

what is everyone up to this easter weekend?
chick is out going everywhere with her girlfriends living life as if I was nothing to her. Complete 180. I think that's the most hurtful part. Facade on her part or not, it's a pretty solid twist of the knife. My hope is minimal, if that. Right now I'm working on myself.
I'm planning on having a 24 season 1 marathon, hoops in the AM, Golf in the afternoon.

Today is literally just me chillin out doing me all day. I don't want to go shopping because I don't wanna waste money. :\
Random - I hate seeing that I have a bunch of unread post in threads I've posted in. That subscription number annoys me. I just went to last page of every thread I was subscribed to.

Random again - I had a dream my manager gave me a laptop and allowed me to work from home. Felt real.
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