the thread about nothing...

Never heard of this
small west coast pizza chain. it's really good but the crust is hit or miss, i'm picky about pizza crust

I would love to chill with Antidope and just see the
all day

What's your taste in women dude?

Elbows too pointy
Its too good. I try to outkick my coverage constantly and it only leads to sadness. Gotta start kicking 35 yarders only and stop going for 62s
I need to start pumping gas elsewhere.

About two moths ago I had some bum/homeless dude ask me to buy him an energy drink. Not some change. Not a dollar. An energy drink.

Today, I had two different people ask me for gas. I told both of them I'd think about it and decide when I finished. The lady left, but the other dude came back with a gas tank thing. I gave him like two dollars worth of gas ($48 in my car, $2 for him = $50).
As I was leaving, the lady rushed over to see if I was still going to fill her van up. I don't think she just wanted a little gas, but the full tank. She also wanted me to walk over to where she was rather than her driving to my stall.

that poverty is real

its da principle. $10, $250, bring my **** back the way you got it. Joints got donated before work.

I want another pair and don't eem remember what they're called.

We've traded off before for random stuff. Dudes never treated my **** like this. I thought he was just gonna wear them with something.
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Those look like a $20 pickup at Marshalls so it really wouldn't bother me

:rofl:, I was thinking the same thing, but it's still the principle of the matter. The last 4-5 pages have been rather enjoyable. Thanks for that tidbit Rck2, I didn't know about that movie.
Why let someone borrow shoes.... That probably just means they need a pair of shoes. Especially with beaters like those, why not just give them away to your friend?
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