the thread about nothing...

/\ man remember when I we didn't have cable. For like 2-3 years and my mom called the "cable guy" to get it reinstalled , buddy came to the house and was like

Yall know yall had cable all this time right you just had to hook it up to the tv?

Me: ..............oh ....-______-
At family functions outside your own that you're invited to. Is it your job or the host/family to initiate you in the way of socializing?
4th of July is just another excuse for our country to become more drunk and more obese.

I wish i could say it on facebook or twitter...but id probably lose a lot of friends.

Its true. Feels good to say it somewhere. I got my flamesuit on, but whatever.

Have a fun day everyone. Be safe.
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no plans for me today 

guess i'll just go skating and fishing later in the afternoon 
At family functions outside your own that you're invited to. Is it your job or the host/family to initiate you in the way of socializing?
Definitely the families. They already know that youre outside of the loop when it comes to the way things operate, they should be trying to make you feel comfortable.
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