the thread about nothing...

The creepiest thing happened right now. I'm hanging out with my friend in his house and someone knocks on the door. He opens the door and there is some doo doo on his door steps. We go back inside to grab napkins to pick it up and we hear someone walking in the front. We run to the front to see a little girl leaving more ****. My friend yells at the girl to stop and she runs away while dropping the doo doo on the ground, but she goes back and picks it up.she hasn't come back yet :lol:
This dude in my city set up a treasure hunt in his suicide yesterday. Created a website talking about clues on his suicide and trolled people by saying he buried $200,000 in rare coins in the woods. I mean if you're going to go out , go out in style right... 

Waitwut? :nerd:
The creepiest thing happened right now. I'm hanging out with my friend in his house and someone knocks on the door. He opens the door and there is some doo doo on his door steps. We go back inside to grab napkins to pick it up and we hear someone walking in the front. We run to the front to see a little girl leaving more ****. My friend yells at the girl to stop and she runs away while dropping the doo doo on the ground, but she goes back and picks it up.she hasn't come back yet
I haven't heard of this since Billy Madison 
The creepiest thing happened right now. I'm hanging out with my friend in his house and someone knocks on the door. He opens the door and there is some doo doo on his door steps. We go back inside to grab napkins to pick it up and we hear someone walking in the front. We run to the front to see a little girl leaving more ****. My friend yells at the girl to stop and she runs away while dropping the doo doo on the ground, but she goes back and picks it up.she hasn't come back yet :lol:
I haven't heard of this since Billy Madison 
Now this girl is staring at us from her back yard :nerd:
First of all, I'd like to thank God almighty for giving everybody so much, and me so little.I hate you, I hate you...I don't even know you and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. And as I sip my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in, I'd like to say to all of you, kiss my *** you rotten mofos. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home and put some water in Bucknasty's mama's dish. Good evening.
This dude in my city set up a treasure hunt in his suicide yesterday. Created a website talking about clues on his suicide and trolled people by saying he buried $200,000 in rare coins in the woods. I mean if you're going to go out , go out in style right... 
Some old dude in OP. Saw it after the game waiting to watch the weather on local news
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First of all, I'd like to thank God almighty for giving everybody so much, and me so little.I hate you, I hate you...I don't even know you and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else but you. And as I sip my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in, I'd like to say to all of you, kiss my *** you rotten mofos. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home and put some water in Bucknasty's mama's dish. Good evening.
My man, mentally rep'd
Bored man. Just watching the Tribe game surfin twitter...follow friday?

Gotta get up real early tomorrow like 6:45 am :smh:

Going out tmw night with some old buddies though that'll be dope :smokin
sad leaving. that california life of hitting downtown LA just chilling, going to the beach, drinking everyday, i will miss.

Feels good to go home though, have all my stuff, see people i haven not seen for 3 weeks, get some of the regular yambs.

I wish i could exchange the people that are here with me with others and stay a couple more weeks (nothing against them but it's been long enough lol)

Not anticipating the return. 3 days of car :smh: :smh:

yeah that's one of the benefits here. you can live the night life in downtown or the beach in less than 30 minutes. depending on traffic haha

i know that feel. going back to your bed and people you know. true that man, you can only stand certain people for an extended period of time. hope the car ride doesn't make your distaste grow more :lol:
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