the thread about nothing...

He still might be stalking me so, I'll delete this quick

- old coworker
- followed me from work almost everyday
- constantly lied about his life: one day his father was dead, next day his father is some rich millionaire who cut him off?
- would whisper and write inappropriate things
- would go through my entire fb/instagram leave weird comments on pictures taken like 30weeks ago, fb posts from 2009
- trying to overthrow the PR government? His ex was the sister of someone important idk because he lied about EVERYTHING
- showed me his "manifesto" which was a word doc of 100 pages of just his writing/poems, threatened me if I talked about it

Yep # 1 stalker
awww yeaaaahh!

my dad is buying us  In N Out 
I keep forgetting you on the left coast. I keep thinking you life in FL. Screw you guys and your In N Out. yes I'm jealous 
Rare is from FL 

I want IN N OUT 

That would mean a whole 24 hrs of fasting after that meal though. 

whoa. Backstory? 
He still might be stalking me so, I'll delete this quick
- old coworker
- followed me from work almost everyday
- constantly lied about his life: one day his father was dead, next day his father is some rich millionaire who cut him off?
- would whisper and write inappropriate things
- would go through my entire fb/instagram leave weird comments on pictures taken like 30weeks ago, fb posts from 2009
- trying to overthrow the PR government? His ex was the sister of someone important idk because he lied about EVERYTHING
- showed me his "manifesto" which was a word doc of 100 pages of just his writing/poems, threatened me if I talked about it
 Why do I remind you
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:lol: :smh: :lol:

Da essence b.... Da essence!

lemme be your ruuuuulerrrrrrrrr

you can call me king sleaze


Dat Versace Matador jacket :nthat: :nthat:

this is how it is in that 1 thread every time some one has a lead

What thread ?

raffles, tickets, bots..

goddamn, what happened?


Grape 5s started the Madness ( 1st retro )

I'll never forget _'s runnin thru the mall for them.

Although the Grapes brought out alot of beasts I credit the beginning of all this to the 04/05 Altitudes. Those were the very first LS release and the first time some Js only went to select stores and weren't released at every store with JB account. There were only 2 stores in my city that got them instead of the usual 10+. That was the first time I saw more people in line than sneakers available and some people who showed up early on RD went home empty handed. All this has become normal since then but the Altitudes were the shoe that really changed the way JB released shoes.

There was some serious hype for the Altitudes well before their release. They were originally expected to be a fall/winter 04 release, but the date kept getting pushed back until they finally released in Feb 05. I remember they had their own full page ad in the JB magazine and when people first saw them expected they were going to be a regular GR retro+ like any other release. Another interesting aspect of the shoe was that shortly after they released, the prices of LS shoes went up $10 compared to GR shoes of the same model. I think they used that shoe as a test market shoe to see what kind of demand they could generate by holding out in the customer and tagging things limited.

Every time AMC has a Breaking Bad Marathon on I watch. :lol:  It's on right now btw for anyone that cares.[img]

[quote="WATER, post: 19419738"][quote="Elpablo21, post: 19419570"]
[quote="Trilluminated, post: 19419443"]
[quote="JJ Watt, post: 19419312"]
Grape 5s started the Madness ( 1st retro )

I'll never forget _'s runnin thru the mall for them.[/QUOTE]
[SIZE=36px]the OG DMP release[/SIZE], though..:{ absolute madness, i took the L and copped an iPod video instead[/QUOTE]
the stories I have of that day :rollin  :{  :rollin  

straight out of some movie :lol  

Lets hear your storys ? 8o

That release was very calm for me compared to most LS releases because despite their popularity the DMPs were actually GR, well stocked and released at a ton of locations. I ended up with 3 packs no hassle.

[quote="beh235, post: 19419970"]I can't front, as much as I protest and ask her to turn when I'm there, I get sucked into the movie and watch. They are good. 

not funny y'all :lol:
so happy we don't work together anymore, he wrote my boss a note saying "it's me, not you. You were a great boss, I love you, but I'm leaving."
No two weeks notice, didn't talk to them in person, just wrote a note and left it :lol: who does that
not funny y'all

so happy we don't work together anymore, he wrote my boss a note saying "it's me, not you. You were a great boss, I love you, but I'm leaving."
No two weeks notice, didn't talk to them in person, just wrote a note and left it
who does that
not funny y'all :lol:
so happy we don't work together anymore, he wrote my boss a note saying "it's me, not you. You were a great boss, I love you, but I'm leaving."
No two weeks notice, didn't talk to them in person, just wrote a note and left it :lol: who does that


I just quit my old job last week by leaving a note, no 2 wks notice or anything...


They deserved it tho...**** em.

I just quit my old job last week by leaving a note, no 2 wks notice or anything...


They deserved it tho...**** em.
That's how I did my old pos part time gig back in the day, walked in dressed up and told my supervisor I got a full time job with benefits, and she shook my hand and said congratulations, but I know she was salty.

Brought in some dude like two months prior, and my hours started to get seemed like they were trying to send me a message, but nah...

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I used to work for a shady indirect for ATT, walked in and told then I was quitting cause corporate was giving me a job, they tried to hold my last check, I Checked them about letting them know all the wild stuff going down, they quickly handed it over

That's how I did my old pos part time gig back in the day, walked in dressed up and told my supervisor I got a full time job with benefits, and she shook my hand and said congratulations, but I know she was salty.

Brought in some dude like two months prior, and my hours started to get seemed like they were trying to send me a message, but nah...


:lol: Mannnnnn I feel you on the shady hours. These ***holes gave me a total of zero hours over a five week span back in the summer...literally self-scheduled myself for two months straight before anyone even noticed :lol:
Started ordering books for Winter Quarter today.

Why must I buy fifteen books for four classes?

Six books down, nine to go.
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Just heard that my old boss re-hired the a**hole who I almost beat up for not wanting to do his job.

Dude is dating one of the finer managers but has 3 kids, minimum wage job, no car and pays child support on all of them.

Turns out he was hurting for employees after we left and dude called him begging him to give him a job because his military money was about to run out.

Didn't really realize how big of a bullet I dodged by leaving Sears, asked my boy who got me the job at Chase if he ever looks back and misses it, we both just stayed quiet for a second and started laughing.

Life's good NT fam.
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