the thread about nothing...

^ what a dummy 
Those death thoughts came up because of Moe Fab's uncle. Sorry to hear about dude. My mom has diabetes and her glucose level has dropped many times in the middle of the night. Scary stuff. Then this morning I saw some IG/FB posts about an old coworker who passed away. I didnt expect it to happen cause I was hoping for the best. Dude was only about 25 or 26 and had a brain tumor. Ended up getting pneumonia then an infection, went into shock then passed away. I wasn't friends with him but a lot of my female coworkers were. Just got to work and they're all sad. I feel like that Homer gif where he creeps back into the bushes.
It's all good, everyone reacts differently to situations. Best thing to do is really just to listen. Most times people just need someone to vent to.

Just got back from my interview. There was like 15 other dudes n I was the last one to get interviewed. Wish the African lady interviewed me, she seemed to be more friendly, plus it's easier to talk to women than dudes.

Boutta go get some steaks n beers later to celebrate my homie's return 

The Drevlians sent twenty of their best men to persuade Olga to marry their Prince Mal and give up her rule of Kievan Rus. She had them buried alive. Then she sent word to Prince Mal that she accepted the proposal, but required their most distinguished men to accompany her on the journey in order for her people to accept the offer of marriage. The Drevlians sent their best men who governed their land. Upon their arrival, she offered them a warm welcome and an invitation to clean up after their long journey in a bathhouse. After they entered, she locked the doors and set fire to the building, burning them alive.

Well then
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