the thread about nothing...

50 degrees in the middle of December is a trip.

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Toured air traffic control today.

It’s just a bunch of bros in fitteds, flip flops and basketball shorts. :lol: if you’re a type a person it doesn’t seem like a bad job besides the schedule.
Gen Z is Charmin soft mfer's are scared of a menu.. a got damned menu :rofl:
It's not something that I let affect me long term, nor does it bleed into other aspects of life, but I absolutely understand and have suffered anxiety from determining what to eat. It's a combination of pricing and deciding not just for myself but also my wife who always says she doesn't care what we get but shoots down every idea I bring up. It gets to the point where it's just like **** it, I'll starve. Better than dealing with this bull****.
I think they overblow stuff like this. Like "menu anxiety" is that on the spot feel you get when its your turn to order.
It's not something that I let affect me long term, nor does it bleed into other aspects of life, but I absolutely understand and have suffered anxiety from determining what to eat. It's a combination of pricing and deciding not just for myself but also my wife who always says she doesn't care what we get but shoots down every idea I bring up. It gets to the point where it's just like **** it, I'll starve. Better than dealing with this bull****.
My wife shoots down every suggestion I make at the restaurant and she walking home.. I may be the cause of her menu anxiety :lol:
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