The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Man that was awesome...can we keep it up man! dude Carl slowly becoming Da Man....Rick needs to take notes from his son on how to be a man, b
Looking back at the old episodes...we literally seeing ol boy grow before our eyes...cray
I mean take the L, that fence is gonna come down no matter wat, wonder who's the silly one to get caught under...
Have they introduced the fact that the walkers are attracted by loud noises and they basically follow each other in a herd?
Carol wants to be concerned about the kids in the very next scene after she offs dude in front of them. Way to go Carol. SmH.
This season sucks so far. Episodes are full of pointless fillers and not enough suspense. I'm tired of the episodes being boring and then ending in a cliffhanger. Reminds me of those reality shows where the entire episode sucks until the last 20 seconds. Hope it gets better next episode but I'm tired of waiting until "next episode" for things to pick up.
have they explained why nobody in the prison has gotten the idea to fire bomb the bunches of zombies that crowd near the fences. I mean rick just wasted some fuel on burning a pigpen, why not use that or grab some liquor during a run and make some molatav cocktails
Still trash. Just watched it to kill an hour before I go out for dinner. Who the hell cares about this Carol/Carl nonsense???
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