The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Can't wait...trailer looks great. Also can't wait for the slander week after week....looks like its already begun 2.5 months out from the S5 premiere. :lol:
oh hHajanabbanbbababnabbaab. I'm An idiot. He shouda got killed from that fat bastard who was trying to give him the D.

Chilllll Corrral is probably the best developed character in the show, yeah sometimes he's a dumb kid and can be a douche, but we gotta keep in mind this is a kid going through an age when we alllll have rebelled and done some of the dumbest things in our lives and he happens to be going through it under the worst circumstances ever, kid had to off his moms, had to off what was like a second father figure, been shot himself, knows how to use weapons better than his dad probably can, Corral has really breaking bad and I'm sure he's gonna have a key role this season, why would ya wish death on one of the top 3 best characters in the show... :rofl:
Where is this trailer? When I click the vid it shows some funny mess from comiccon.
it's the first thing you see when you go on YouTube 

i'm excited for this season, looks very action packed. 
For those who cant find it. Comic Con Trailer TWD Season 5:

My best bet is Glen that is the next to get killed off.
 If true all i gotta say is thank you. You've don well representin' the asians in the post zombie world Glen/Steven. Plus, you got it in with a Southern country girl. You made me "BELIEVE" my dude! 

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That version is far superior. It really sounds more angry than simply saying "screwing".

I never understood why they couldn't allow that since Breaking Bad was allowed to each season at least once.
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