The year was 1971.. how did they film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?


Jul 6, 2006
It's on ABC Family right now, and I'm wondering how the hell did they film this movie in the year 1971
. Between the trick filming and crazy sets/props...
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Even crazier how 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968
This. It still blows my mind that the movie was filmed in the 60's. Kubrick was the definition of a visionary
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Even crazier how 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968
This. It still blows my mind that the movie was filmed in the 60's. Kubrick was the definition of a visionary
Yeah, I thought it was made in like the late 80's.
Originally Posted by Air 23 AJ

The Wizard of Oz was filmed in 1939 and I think it looks better and it used technicolor.
this, Wizard of Oz was filmed in the THIRTIES. 
People taking the "Topics on NT If We were Back in time" thread to seriously.
Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Even crazier how 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968
If it weren't for the archaic images on the screens/monitors, if this film were released now I would think it would be too ambitious.
Hollywood got complacent. They realized the money is in these action blockbusters that focus less on art than explosions and rapid camera cuts. Many of the most cutting-edge films were made in the 50's and 60's.
Originally Posted by Air 23 AJ

The Wizard of Oz was filmed in 1939 and I think it looks better and it used technicolor.
And to think I made a thread a long time ago asking this same question only it was about The Wizard of Oz

Mind=Blown watching Willy Wonka right now. Completely blown.
Tell me how the role of Charlie was the only acting the actor had ever done in his 'career'

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