Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Nick aint lying.

Golden State Warriors guard Nick Young is currently on a celebration tour. After 11 seasons in the NBA, the 33-year-old guard is now an NBA champion.
During his victory lap, Swaggy P shared his belief that the U.S. should legalize cocaine—in fact, it seems he thinks the drug should be legalized worldwide. Swaggy espoused his perspective in an impromptu interview with a TMZ reporter
There’s a lot I can say about this but I’ve held back cause everything is still so fresh...but man I swear there’s some nastiness to how they’re trying to turn this into a part of Bron’s story. And I’m not putting it on him either...but rather the powers that be. **** is starting to feel like one big massive production for entertainment.

They’re milking the hell out this thing to turn this into a LeBron/Lakers storyline. The idea of there being a “burden” on LeBron to deliver now is crazy and feels like the subplot to a Drama.

Bruh, you had his stans in this very thread doing this same ****.
There is a bit of pressure/burden to be the face of that franchise rn
But in the grand scheme of things it really shouldn’t matter who wins
Everyone can win and dedicate it to Bean because he had THAT impact

but the fairy tale is 100% laid out. There are diff people saying he HAS to win it or they’ll trash him tho lol but as we all know people are gonna continue to trash that man no matter what lol
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