If I'm a heat fan I feel pretty good where the team is heading into game 5. Guys like Chalmers and Haslem are playing much better. Ray and Shane have hit more shots. Paul George is wearing down and give or take a few Hibbert rebounds in the 4th the defense has played better.
Game day Heat fam


Hopefully one of these games Wade explodes and Battier/Shuttlesworth hit some 3s so we can end this series..
Ray has lost the priviledge of being called Shuttlesworth.

I want Wade to wake up too.

But interested in seeing how Bron comes out. He needs to dominated. And I mean dominate like last year where he had that 40/18/9 game. Wade had 34 that game too :/smokin
How long have we been saying Ray is due for a good game? Tonight has to be the night, right?
I hope so. I hope he gets his stroke back tonight and has it for the rest of the playoffs.

But until then he does not deserve the Shuttlesworth moniker.
I don't understand DWade? He played great 1st team defense on Paul George in the 2nd qt, but at the same time looks like Joel Anthony on offense. I really don't think he's that injuried because u need your legs more to play defense. Shooting 1-6 and looking dejected on offense is part of the reason we can barely play with the lead against Indiana because are supposed star player lost his offensive confidence.
Hes going through the motions bro.

All year hes been making great cuts to help him get easy buckets. I understand indy plays great D but man if you want it you go get it. Its the god damn ECF.
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