There should be another music forum aside from the "rap" forum...

this thread is making me want to make an official southern rappers appreciation thread in music forum...I admit having the tendency to liking every rapper fromthe South due to the radio, Youtube, etc.....don't flame me for it though.
Rap definitely only has a major audience in the US and even here it's not even close to other music genres like rock or country. Not even close.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much longevity rap will have. How much longer will an audience buy into the same rehashed subject material strung out overcatchy beats? For those who seek creativity and diversity in their music, rap definitely seems to have devolved into something else these past few years. Goneis the art of lyricism in Eminem, Jay-Z, Nas, and etc. Who's going to carry the torch?
I love doing gigs like these when there are brass players, the jazz feel is real nice... The drummer my dad is playing with is our friend Tony Coleman, BBKing's drummer. He can command the kit better then most guys I have met..
I feel bad for the way I came off to start this thread.. I was thinking about it, and some of the work I do transcends all music barriers, stuff like sound,video, and promoting. I'd just like a place on NT that was less cluttered. I have lots of stuff I could turn on to alot of people... Just hard to relate insaid present music forum...
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

I feel bad for the way I came off to start this thread.. I was thinking about it, and some of the work I do transcends all music barriers, stuff like sound, video, and promoting. I'd just like a place on NT that was less cluttered. I have lots of stuff I could turn on to alot of people... Just hard to relate in said present music forum...
Yeah, I think more people were turned off or offended by the way you came sideways at rap. You did bring up a valid point and there's a goodnumber of people here who apparently share the same idea as you (that there should be subforums in the music forum.)
Ok, i'll change my musical taste up, just for you..... Then we can share the hip-hop musicforum.
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

My dad is on the white strat and Randy Hansen is on the black strat...
wait so your pops was in Heart? ....Barracuda
I've been on three continents outside of North America, and I've never found a shortage of hip hop fans.

As a matter of fact, the only arena/crowd I've been in that was bigger than the "Jay-Z and Friends" tour here at home was a Kanye concert inTokyo.

If you don't like the genre - fine, it's a free country - but saying hip hop has little to no appeal worldwide is a lie. Jay headlined Glastonbury didhe not?
Yeah, he was.... I came on here awhile back to try and garner some interest when I was lobbying to help get Heart into the R&R HOF, even though it'svoted by people in the biz.

Any of you work with Pro Tools on a regular basis?
Outside of Jay-Z (who was not a popular pick to headline Glastonbury...
Google it) and Kanye, who else has that international appeal? I'm a fan ofsome hip hop but this is an argument that cannot be won. There are too many rock bands to name that would pull crowds larger than either of the two you named.Easy. We're not even touching on electronic music
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

I love doing gigs like these when there are brass players, the jazz feel is real nice... The drummer my dad is playing with is our friend Tony Coleman, BB King's drummer. He can command the kit better then most guys I have met..
White23 - Thanks for the vids! Great stuff! Any info on your dad's strat and equipment? I like hissound a lot.

Do you like the current incarnation of DMB with Rashawn Ross? I think he adds a great layer to their sound.

Thanks again for sharing!
Dude, I like Avant-Garde and Funk-Metal but you don't see me making a thread about not being able to post on NT about it. I got forums for that, so findforums for what you like or just make the thread in the music section. I dunno, this thread is lame.
Sneakers are a part of Hip Hop culture so i ain't that surprised.

Anyway, just post the stuff in the section no matter what.
Rashawn Ross is a great player, but I dont think he'll stick around for too long... I honestly dont get into Dave Mathews all that much, but he livesreally close to where my mom used to live...
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Yeah, he was.... I came on here awhile back to try and garner some interest when I was lobbying to help get Heart into the R&R HOF, even though it's voted by people in the biz.
i dont even really pay attention to the R&R HOF anymore, i still cant believe Rush hasnt gotten in
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

This is like asking for a hockey forum since S&T is mostly based on basketball, football, and baseball.

Just express your ideas and maybe people will listen...or visit another forum more dedicated to your interests.

And because of you I ended up downloading a *+$! load of John Williams after I found he composed the NBC Mission Theme...

The majority of people I see complaining in this thread, I rarely see in the music forum. Y'all don't even make an effort.
See...and John Williams makes beautiful music and was acknowledged in the music forum by me...who even works at a radio station dedicated tohip-hop and R&B but it doesn't consume me. Many hip-hop heads are in tune with other genres low key. Like I said...OP just needs to put it out thereand I'm sure people will respond or be put on with the new stuff. This dude asking for segregation...
Originally Posted by DL2352

Rap definitely only has a major audience in the US and even here it's not even close to other music genres like rock or country. Not even close.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much longevity rap will have. How much longer will an audience buy into the same rehashed subject material strung out over catchy beats? For those who seek creativity and diversity in their music, rap definitely seems to have devolved into something else these past few years. Gone is the art of lyricism in Eminem, Jay-Z, Nas, and etc. Who's going to carry the torch?
No it's not. It's just not popular anymore because the businesses and people who run the radio want something that will make them moneya.k.a. something that people can dance too in the club. Radio =/= all the rap/hip hop music being made. People like Soulja Boy, MIMS, Lil Wayne ect. are sopopular because they are overplayed on the radio. Ask anyone who really listens to rap, and they can name at least 3 people who talk about REAL LIFE subjects.Even Trillipino can

Rap will be around forever, no one knows what form it will take though.

BTW I love rock, metal, electro, just about everything but radio rap and country, and I've been meaning to make a thread in the music forum to recommend mesome metal, BUT since there aint enough heads in there to keep the thread alive, I just said $*%$ it.
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