These "passive income, become a boss, work from anywhere, get ya money up" YouTube ad gurus

May 12, 2019
Has anyone ever peeped what these dudes talking about?
I just saw one that had a pretty good ad but I didn't click on his link.
I think it's a too good to be true scenario but with so many ad gurus popping up makes me wonder.
Im always skeptical of these types. Unless you hit the lotto or get an inheritance/settlement theres no quick way to “get rich” without putting in work
You should Watch out for those lame dudes on social media with the make up bios titles like " Entrepreneurs".."investor" " Mentor " "CEO". They're all fake it to make it fake flex ballers online lol.They're all broke themselves, but try to preach to others how to make money. They all claim to be 6-7 figure earners but live at home with their mom lol. They do MLM/Pyramid schemes or try to recruit/sell you some BS. It's actually pure comedy, I knew some folks that do that crap and they lie so much its like a lying disease lol they actually get delusional and start talking about the lambos and 10M dollar condo they're about to cop it never happens of course. It's really unfortunate because they watered down the true definition of being entrepreneurs and those who really put in some legit work in life, not those online fake business crap where they recruit people and sign them up and slap on a "INVESTOR" title to their bio SMH.
If you guys want to see one of the ogs of these types, type in “Tom Vu” in YouTube
You should Watch out for those lame dudes on social media with the make up bios titles like " Entrepreneurs".."investor" " Mentor " "CEO". They're all fake it to make it fake flex ballers online lol.They're all broke themselves, but try to preach to others how to make money. They all claim to be 6-7 figure earners but live at home with their mom lol. They do MLM/Pyramid schemes or try to recruit/sell you some BS. It's actually pure comedy, I knew some folks that do that crap and they lie so much its like a lying disease lol they actually get delusional and start talking about the lambos and 10M dollar condo they're about to cop it never happens of course. It's really unfortunate because they watered down the true definition of being entrepreneurs and those who really put in some legit work in life, not those online fake business crap where they recruit people and sign them up and slap on a "INVESTOR" title to their bio SMH.

exactly. People gotta stop being so desperate
Affiliate marketing is a real thing. Which gurus in particular are you skeptical about? Most of them operate, well all businesses do really, on the value ladder concept.

They probably have a product they are running Facebook ads for at $7 or $19.97. Usually at the low end of the value ladder the goal is to over deliver and build trust and people buy your more expensive offerings and further indoctrinate themselves into your ecosystem of products.

Basicest, most common, practice is to make a landing page that offers you something free relative to the product (i.e want a free keto diet plan, put your email in) in exchange for your email and then it redirects you to an affiliate offer and even if you dont buy (usually takes a person 10x seeing something), they have your email so they send out offers to you plus they build trust. An email list and aweber or getresponse account is the digital marketer's lifeblood.

I can't stress enough though, it's real and it's possible. People in the groups I am in quitting their 9 to 5s in 6 months or less in some cases. I have only made a little bit but I been half assing and not putting into motion. We should have an official threas and all eat.

If you're talking about Robbie Blanchard, John Crestani, Anthony Morrison, Wesley Virgin, David Sharpe, Russell Brunson, Billy Darr, Devin Brown, to name a few they're all dunb rich like they claim.

If you want to follow someone whos crushing it and more down to Earth and less salesy look up Jonathan Montoyah, Jacob Carris, Devin Brown, maybe Eric Ellis Jr. I like Billy Gene too but he teaches more starting your pwn marketing agency and not affiliate marketing

I'll post a good video when I get home on how it works but most succinctly like jump on and make an account, go to marketplace, sort by gravity or use the categories to find something that matches your interest or audience if you already have one, higher gravity=more people making sales with that product, get promote link, use bitly to cloaxk the url and from here you can go a few ways. Ideally you use a lead magnet to get emails to build your list then redirect them to the above list, but you could also just spam that link indiscriminately (doesnt work well), or if you already have an audience (social media, YouTube, etc) drop the link with some value content
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The profit margin for so many products is quite minuscule. But if you’re able to use one business venture to expand into another sector and then another sector... You’re basically hedging on a reputable but not profitable business to scam using your other businesses.

For instance I might make x amount in sales but it doesn’t take into account overhead like shipping and handling purchasing etc
All I’m gonna say is people who are actually making money off investments or running a business aren’t running around telling other people about their money 24/7 or badgering people to sign up for their self-help seminar or crappy product.

So much truth to this.
The profit margin for so many products is quite minuscule. But if you’re able to use one business venture to expand into another sector and then another sector... You’re basically hedging on a reputable but not profitable business to scam using your other businesses.

For instance I might make x amount in sales but it doesn’t take into account overhead like shipping and handling purchasing etc
I dont know what gurus the OP is talking about, but I assumed affiliate marketing, which is overwhelmingly digital products so it negates that concern entirely and is why you can make so much and product owners can pay commissions up to even 100% at times.

Kevin David is a big time Amazon fba guy, but not as many really promoting products related to that or dropshipping or Shopify/Oberlo right now just due to shipping times and prices from China.
Been paying attention to all of these different Tradehouse people on Instagram lately. Funny seeing them constantly post themselves buying up designer items, driving in foreign cars and trying to convince people to sign up under their "team" for the chance of gaining financial freedom.
Never ever believe that crud. My motto in life is “if it’s that easy, everyone would be doing it.” Reality is it’s not and it’s always some dude in yeezys driving a foreign trying to make a quick buck.
layziegunts layziegunts has a thread about this type of stuff last year. link

Here was my experience with an Amway "Be your own boss", "passive income" Guru/mentor

I had an awful experience with the multi-level marketing/pyramid scheme, Amway earlier this year, it was bizarre.
I was working out at the gym and the older white guy started chatting me up about financial freedom and mentorship. I agree to meet with him at Starbucks and he talked to me about his entire career, that he was retiring soon and it was all due to his mentor, this mysterious guy that I had to meet. He invites me to his house and I'll admit I didn't knowing what to expect.

I thought it was just going to be him, his mentor and I talking about investments and life stuff. I knew it was a setup when I entered his living room and I saw about a dozen people sitting and an easel with the whiteboard on it. His mentor talked for literally an hour about nothing, just buttering us up and talking about how long he been retired and how he travels all the time with his wife, etc. It wasn't until about 90 minutes in did he ever say the word "Amway" or Worldwide Group". I was like "bruh, I wasted my whole night on some pyramid scheme, BS?:lol::angry::sick:" It was all about selling these crappy household products to your friends and family and also recruiting other people into the organization. The whole presentation lasted over 3 hrs.

The craziest part is that the dude who invited me admitted to spending hours everyday recruiting people at the gym, grocery store, etc. The dude tried to call me for days afterwards and I just stop answering. The really sad part is that these pyramid scheme people take advantage of young, impressionable people by presenting this as a legit business opportunity and presenting themselves as "mentors" who will help you better your life.

Anyone who claims you can very easily and quickly make tons of passive income with little/no startup costs is lying and most likely trying to sell you something. I own a rental property and I make passive income from it but it took work and over $50k in start-up costs. I know people who live off of their rental income but it took them a lot of time and money. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is
Don't do it, fam.

If you want to be your own boss, figure out what kind of company you want to run. Take online classes. Educate yourself. Take jobs that would help you build your empire. Learn from them. Invest. Develop.

Don't trust them YT ads lol
All I’m gonna say is people who are actually making money off investments or running a business aren’t running around telling other people about their money 24/7 or badgering people to sign up for their self-help seminar or crappy product.

game ain’t free

if one had to lose time, money, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to get where they’re at why on earth would they give up game for free? Most people aren’t... unless they like you or moved or elevated their business/hustle.

and even if they are selling you a shortcut to be rich (game) 9/10 people don’t have the wherewithal to apply the game anyway...
and the idea of being your own boss and being self-sufficient is romanticized by many people, but very few have what it takes to do it. Like most of the people on Shark Tank. People with great ideas or inventions but lack what it takes to make that idea or invention a BUSINESS due to poor money management, laziness, HEART, commitment, etc.
Been paying attention to all of these different Tradehouse people on Instagram lately. Funny seeing them constantly post themselves buying up designer items, driving in foreign cars and trying to convince people to sign up under their "team" for the chance of gaining financial freedom.

Lol......they all take the same trips too. They go to Miami as a "team" for like a meeting or something and to stunt on the gram and IG stories, Rent an exotic car just for the trip in which all their boys all chipped in and take turns driving it and posing for pics....... but then fly back home after 3 days and back to driving their crappy 1998 Honda Accord at home. :rofl:. Like i said, its pure comedy how much fakery it is on social media. It's really sad to see some people fall for it..
game ain’t free

if one had to lose time, money, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to get where they’re at why on earth would they give up game for free? Most people aren’t... unless they like you or moved or elevated their business/hustle.

and even if they are selling you a shortcut to be rich (game) 9/10 people don’t have the wherewithal to apply the game anyway...

You’re missing the point. People who run legit businesses aren’t posting on IG 50 times a day to stunt or harassing you through DMs and texts to sell you said “game”. Why? Because they actually have a damn business to run :lol: I’m not saying game is free, I’m saying anybody who has LEGIT game to sell isn’t harassing you to buy it like a ugly stripper on a day shift.
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