They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

This townhall meeting is complete PC bs and the only thing that's coming out of it is making it seem like the police force are 100% the victims, and everyone else other than the police should be held accountable for what happens.
Would be great if we could police our own but segregation kinda killed that. I mean it's good to live amongst other races but we are basically living in places where we don't have any power, we don't own **** and your rights are ignored. In all these mixed areas through out the country it looks good but if you're black you can be killed by a cop and nothing will happen.

The Black Panthers tried to police their own commuties. They were feeding and sheltering people. Running up on drug dealers. Then FBI killed 'em off or locked them up on fake charges. White racist people are never gonna just let us have our own ****. Just like in Tulsa Oklahoma. They didn't wanna be around black people. So those brothas and sistahs said aight we'll build our own businesses. Then when that area started getting real prosperous the racist came in and destroyed it. Dropped bombs and everything. In North Carolina they had black businesses and that was taking over. Racism is almost like this jealousy they have. Their mindset is seek out, kill, destroy, take what they have. **** been going on for hundreds years. Shout out to Christopher Columbus.
I'm glad places have started to get rid of Columbus day. dude was a barbarian
This townhall meeting is complete PC bs and the only thing that's coming out of it is making it seem like the police force are 100% the victims, and everyone else other than the police should be held accountable for what happens.

I had a feeling that thing was just for show. Did everybody hug and smile at the end?
This townhall meeting is complete PC bs and the only thing that's coming out of it is making it seem like the police force are 100% the victims, and everyone else other than the police should be held accountable for what happens.

They that **** was trash. Obama would have been better off making all the networks run a speech. Do it Kennedy style, condemn the shooting in Dallas in the first part and have the last couple third be about the police failing the black community. Which probably would have still been a waste of time, just a smaller one
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This townhall meeting is complete PC bs and the only thing that's coming out of it is making it seem like the police force are 100% the victims, and everyone else other than the police should be held accountable for what happens.

I had a feeling that thing was just for show. Did everybody hug and smile at the end?

Obama shook hands with a couple folks :lol:

This townhall meeting is complete PC bs and the only thing that's coming out of it is making it seem like the police force are 100% the victims, and everyone else other than the police should be held accountable for what happens.

They that **** was trash. Obama would have been better off making all the networks run a speech. Do it Kennedy style, condemn the shooting in Dallas in the first part and have the last couple third be about the police failing the black community. Which probably would have been a waste of time, just a smaller one

Pretty much. The nerve of me to think issues of injustice would be legitimately addressed. I'd say about 8% of what was said was actually legit, and the rest of the talk was basically police apologist stuff. It made it seem like the police have no part in the injustices concerning blacks, don't need to be held accountable for anything, and that the police are just getting dealt a bad hand. It was more a PSA of "guys please be nice to the police so they won't shoot you" than anything else. They even made light of that incident where the mom snatched her son up from trying to riot. That whole thing was atrocious.
It's no way to have something like that be constructive cuz they're not gonna have anybody on there who's gonna be honest about the real issues. They're just gonna dance around it. Put Farrakhan on there. I would love see that. He used to give the folks that ether. :lol:
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Obama still pandering to the same folks that wanted to see his birth certificate, called him muslim/communist/terrorist and think he ruined america? You'd think he'd wanna go out with a bang after all that nonsense but nope. Maybe he's preparing for that 3rd term. :nerd:
If I were Obama I would all about compromise and middle ground.

Police get:

-People that murder the police instantly get hit with special charges that carry longer jail sentences. So in the rare cases that another Dallas happens, police and their supporters will get the extra "justice" they feel they deserve. I won't stop demilitarization the assault gear, but cops can buy the best military grade protection gear they want. **** we will give it to you

Black people get:

Cameras everywhere. The police are public workers, the public has every right to know how they are doing their job.

Everytime a person of color is host is instant triggers a DOJ investigation, with assistance from the NSA. Every email, phone call, text, IM made in regards by anyone working for the police department and DA office gets scrutinized to see if their is any collusion to get the police off, or if systemic racism is practiced. If the police want to claim it is all in black folks head, then the DOJ will just prove that for them.

If anything is found federal murder, conspiracy ,and civil rights charges get filed.

Since the police swear they are so clean, they have nothing to worry about. And in the rare case we get another mass cop shooter, their will be "justice"

There is your compromise
Obama still pandering to the same folks that wanted to see his birth certificate, called him muslim/communist/terrorist and think he ruined america? You'd think he'd wanna go out with a bang after all that nonsense but nope. Maybe he's preparing for that 3rd term. :nerd:

That's what's crazy to me. He's acting like he's campainging for votes. Now is the time to speak up and stop being PC and safe. It's been time. He has the perfect opportunity to leave a legacy but nope. I used to have a ton of respect for Obama but he been looking funny these last few years. At the end of day he's a politician. He's part of the system. If he was about being honest he probably wouldn't be in this position. He's the safe one. That's how it looks. You're a black president and you've had incident after incident of racist cops killing your people ON VIDEO and you still have this one foot in, please everybody attitude.
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Obama still pandering to the same folks that wanted to see his birth certificate, called him muslim/communist/terrorist and think he ruined america? You'd think he'd wanna go out with a bang after all that nonsense but nope. Maybe he's preparing for that 3rd term.
That's what's crazy to me. He's acting like he's campainging for votes. Now is the time to speak up and stop being PC and safe. It's been time. He has the perfect opportunity to leave a legacy but nope. I used to have a ton of respect for Obama but he been looking funny these last few years. At the end of day he's a politician. He's part of the system. If he was about being honest he probably wouldn't be in this position. He's the safe one. That's how it looks. You're a black president and you've had incident after incident of racist cops killing your people ON VIDEO and you still have this one foot in, please everybody attitude.
1. This might not be his last term

2. Even if his Presidency ends, his career doesn't. He will still likely be in some form of Politics, this isn't the end of his Political Career, he can't just be running off at the      mouth burning his "rep" or whatever

You said it, at the end of the day, he's a Politician, this is a Life Job, a Career, not just 2 terms and "on to the next"
He has been saying for since before he ran for president that he and his wife would go back to community work after he was done. He was saying "8 years in just the beginning" after 2012 too.

He wanting to push grassroots efforts and was big on but everyone abandoned that real quick. Expecting him to fix all the problems themselves. The 2010 election basially killed any chance he had of passing any serious public policies to help the community.

He hates campaigning, he hates having to kiss *** to make Congress do their job, and same looks beyond stressed these days. He is going to remain in the public eye, but not as a politician.

What is disappointing about Obama is that he knows exactly what is going on and he speaks on it in the most PC way, and he has gotten even more PC over the years. Not just because he is black, I mean I wouldn't expect Ben Carson's banjo playing *** to have anything insightful to say. But I know Obama has it in him.

Some of it is understandable, because of how conservatives rage that it is reverse racism if the man ask them to practice Empathy. But still, with the GOP going full bigot and embarrassing themselves, you're on way out, and you're well liked, this is the time to spend that last bit of political capital.

I still have a ton of respect for the brother, probably always will. I have disagreements with many of the black leaders I view and some of my heroes. Even the people I listen to or read now. There is probably no one I 100% agree with on everything. For example I listen to Tariq Nasheed a lot, some of the **** he says is ridiculous to me, but I still respect the brother and value his opinion on matters.

So I'm not gonna nitpick everything Obama does or say, because I know at the end of the day he means well, plus he is so jammed up from all corner, but famb needs to packaging this like is it is a "it does both ways situation". it is heavy favored on one side. Police getting target like Dallas every once in a while, is not the same as the systemic issues black people. Worst of which iis not getting justice for police killing people in the black community.

That false equivalency hurts my ears.
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I agree with Tariq Elite most of the time. I disagreed mainly with his notion that intersectionality is a "hustle," black women (and black men) need feminism in same way that white people do. However, it is still a marvel that a guy who started as a shock jock and a pick up artist became a public intellectual on housing policy. Tariq Elite opened me up to Ta-Nehisi Coates and not the other way around.

As far as President Obama is concerned, he needs to starting using the term "white supremacy." I understand his fear of coming off as sectarian and anti-white but I think that by criticizing white supremacy, as an organizing principle, he can tell some truth and not be seen as accusing any particular white person of wrong doing.

Look at how much traction Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have gotten when they explain economic inequality as a systemic problem. I think that president Obama, who was once an educator, could do the same with white supremacy and its role in public policy. I also think that Sec. Clinton could do a lot of good by talking about the wide ranging benefits of intersectional feminism. I think that large swaths of the public want politicians who are forthright and professorial and who can make sense of all the nonsense that infects our body politic.
If I were Obama I would all about compromise and middle ground.

Police get:

-People that murder the police instantly get hit with special charges that carry longer jail sentences. So in the rare cases that another Dallas happens, police and their supporters will get the extra "justice" they feel they deserve. I won't stop demilitarization the assault gear, but cops can buy the best military grade protection gear they want. **** we will give it to you

Black people get:

Cameras everywhere. The police are public workers, the public has every right to know how they are doing their job.

Everytime a person of color is host is instant triggers a DOJ investigation, with assistance from the NSA. Every email, phone call, text, IM made in regards by anyone working for the police department and DA office gets scrutinized to see if their is any collusion to get the police off, or if systemic racism is practiced. If the police want to claim it is all in black folks head, then the DOJ will just prove that for them.

If anything is found federal murder, conspiracy ,and civil rights charges get filed.

Since the police swear they are so clean, they have nothing to worry about. And in the rare case we get another mass cop shooter, their will be "justice"

There is your compromise

I'd say make their pensions pay out civil cases.

That'll clean ALL that **** up real quick.
If I were Obama I would all about compromise and middle ground.

Police get:

-People that murder the police instantly get hit with special charges that carry longer jail sentences. So in the rare cases that another Dallas happens, police and their supporters will get the extra "justice" they feel they deserve. I won't stop demilitarization the assault gear, but cops can buy the best military grade protection gear they want. **** we will give it to you

Black people get:

Cameras everywhere. The police are public workers, the public has every right to know how they are doing their job.

Everytime a person of color is host is instant triggers a DOJ investigation, with assistance from the NSA. Every email, phone call, text, IM made in regards by anyone working for the police department and DA office gets scrutinized to see if their is any collusion to get the police off, or if systemic racism is practiced. If the police want to claim it is all in black folks head, then the DOJ will just prove that for them.

If anything is found federal murder, conspiracy ,and civil rights charges get filed.

Since the police swear they are so clean, they have nothing to worry about. And in the rare case we get another mass cop shooter, their will be "justice"

There is your compromise

Police already get that. No cop killer walks, ever. They effectively get life IF they're even taken alive since they will never get parole. Not to mention COs make that sentence a living hell. Justice for police that are killed is a non issue. Extra stringent laws for people who kill or assault police are already on the books in many states.

All this stuff is already recorded. Police been violating rights on camera for decades, it makes no difference in terms of trying or convicting cops apparently. You seem to think theres some vast conspiracy taking place via email and phone conversations to get cops off lol. Other cops know its career suicide to expose any wrong doing on the part of police and more importantly DA's know its career suicide to convict a cop of any wrong doing, no words need to even be said at this point. You act like some cops are threatening/coercing investigators and state attorneys to get their friends off when these things happen. And are dull enough to leave a paper trail even if they were. Its an unwritten rule. You're talking about bringing the nsa in as if they arent doing illegal **** everyday and covering it up themselves. As if this would be any different than the FBI or DOJ investigations that ALWAYS let the cops off. NSA cant just phone tap and read emails of all kinds of random cops and attorneys and everyone associated with them everytime police kill someone, you watch too much TV.

Your "compromise" makes it seem like you are completely clueless about how all this works. Literally nothing will change under those circumstances, if anything it will be worse because it will create an even stronger perception that the cops deserved to get off when they continue to do so.
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If I were Obama I would all about compromise and middle ground.

Police get:

-People that murder the police instantly get hit with special charges that carry longer jail sentences. So in the rare cases that another Dallas happens, police and their supporters will get the extra "justice" they feel they deserve. I won't stop demilitarization the assault gear, but cops can buy the best military grade protection gear they want. **** we will give it to you

Black people get:

Cameras everywhere. The police are public workers, the public has every right to know how they are doing their job.

Everytime a person of color is host is instant triggers a DOJ investigation, with assistance from the NSA. Every email, phone call, text, IM made in regards by anyone working for the police department and DA office gets scrutinized to see if their is any collusion to get the police off, or if systemic racism is practiced. If the police want to claim it is all in black folks head, then the DOJ will just prove that for them.

If anything is found federal murder, conspiracy ,and civil rights charges get filed.

Since the police swear they are so clean, they have nothing to worry about. And in the rare case we get another mass cop shooter, their will be "justice"

There is your compromise
Police already get that. No cop killer walks, ever. They effectively get life IF they're even taken alive since they will never get parole. Not to mention COs make that sentence a living hell. Justice for police that are killed is a non issue. Extra stringent laws for people who kill or assault police are already on the books in many states.

All this stuff is already recorded. Police been violating rights on camera for decades, it makes no difference in terms of trying or convicting cops apparently. You seem to think theres some vast conspiracy taking place via email and phone conversations to get cops off lol. Other cops know its career suicide to expose any wrong doing on the part of police and more importantly DA's know its career suicide to convict a cop of any wrong doing, no words need to even be said at this point. You act like some cops are threatening/coercing investigators and state attorneys to get their friends off when these things happen. And are dull enough to leave a paper trail even if they were. Its an unwritten rule. You're talking about bringing the nsa in as if they arent doing illegal **** everyday and covering it up themselves. As if this would be any different than the FBI or DOJ investigations that ALWAYS let the cops off. NSA cant just phone tap and read emails of all kinds of random cops and attorneys and everyone associated with them everytime police kill someone, you watch too much TV.

Your "compromise" makes it seem like you are completely clueless about how all this works. Literally nothing will change under those circumstances, if anything it will be worse because it will create an even stronger perception that the cops deserved to get off when they continue to do so.
When I read things like this, and I know its on the money, if not close to being on the money...

I want to pack my luggage and just bounce. On one hand this is my home country and I love it, but on the other hand I feel like im part of the Empire or some ****. 
If I were Obama I would all about compromise and middle ground.

Police get:

-People that murder the police instantly get hit with special charges that carry longer jail sentences. So in the rare cases that another Dallas happens, police and their supporters will get the extra "justice" they feel they deserve. I won't stop demilitarization the assault gear, but cops can buy the best military grade protection gear they want. **** we will give it to you

Black people get:

Cameras everywhere. The police are public workers, the public has every right to know how they are doing their job.

Everytime a person of color is host is instant triggers a DOJ investigation, with assistance from the NSA. Every email, phone call, text, IM made in regards by anyone working for the police department and DA office gets scrutinized to see if their is any collusion to get the police off, or if systemic racism is practiced. If the police want to claim it is all in black folks head, then the DOJ will just prove that for them.

If anything is found federal murder, conspiracy ,and civil rights charges get filed.

Since the police swear they are so clean, they have nothing to worry about. And in the rare case we get another mass cop shooter, their will be "justice"

There is your compromise

Police already get that. No cop killer walks, ever. They effectively get life IF they're even taken alive since they will never get parole. Not to mention COs make that sentence a living hell. Justice for police that are killed is a non issue. Extra stringent laws for people who kill or assault police are already on the books in many states.

All this stuff is already recorded. Police been violating rights on camera for decades, it makes no difference in terms of trying or convicting cops apparently. You seem to think theres some vast conspiracy taking place via email and phone conversations to get cops off lol. Other cops know its career suicide to expose any wrong doing on the part of police and more importantly DA's know its career suicide to convict a cop of any wrong doing, no words need to even be said at this point. You act like some cops are threatening/coercing investigators and state attorneys to get their friends off when these things happen. And are dull enough to leave a paper trail even if they were. Its an unwritten rule. You're talking about bringing the nsa in as if they arent doing illegal **** everyday and covering it up themselves. As if this would be any different than the FBI or DOJ investigations that ALWAYS let the cops off. NSA cant just phone tap and read emails of all kinds of random cops and attorneys and everyone associated with them everytime police kill someone, you watch too much TV.

Your "compromise" makes it seem like you are completely clueless about how all this works. Literally nothing will change under those circumstances, if anything it will be worse because it will create an even stronger perception that the cops deserved to get off when they continue to do so.

Dude you didn't type this to dialogue, you typed it to insult me.

I would give a detailed response expanding my points, like I give to most people, but I know you're just trying to bait me to take more swipes, we have been down this road multiple times. I said what I said for specific reasons. I know cops already get that, and I want departments to fear Ferguson Report like exposure.

But I'll pass on a detailed response, I know you don't give a **** about what I got to say. We have been down this road already.
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As far as President Obama is concerned, he needs to starting using the term "white supremacy." I understand his fear of coming off as sectarian and anti-white but I think that by criticizing white supremacy, as an organizing principle, he can tell some truth and not be seen as accusing any particular white person of wrong doing.

"White Supremacy" "Racist cops" "War on black people"

All that stuff needs to be said. I'm not tryna nitpick at him. I've almost given up on expecting to be real about it but at the same time it's like how many need to get beaten or die for you to call this what it is? Just in the last few years we've seen black men, black boys, black girls getting harassed or killed by cops.

He still says things like "Police have the toughest job, they put their lives on the line, not all cops are bad"

**** that. When the person is black these cops arrive at these situations looking to be violent. They escalate these situations.

And if the "good cops" don't stand up and expose the bad ones they're in the same boat. Just because you're not the one beating and killing people doesn't make you good. You're standing on the sideline watching this go on.
We need a start snitching movement to start among the police :lol:.

But I can see how so many good dudes get brainwashed when they get on the force. From like day one all your friends and the dudes that watch your back are pressuring you to think a certain way, you're gonna drink the Kool-aid.

Another thing, I'm very pro-union but some of these police unions are :x
Dude you didn't type this to dialogue, you typed it to insult me.

I would give a detailed response expanding my points, like I give to most people, but I know you're just trying to bait me to take more swipes, we have been down this road multiple times. I said what I said for specific reasons. I know cops already get that, and I want departments to fear Ferguson Report like exposure.

But I'll pass on a detailed response, I know you don't give a **** about what I got to say. We have been down this road already.

I moreso typed it to make others aware of the flaw in this line of thinking. I was under the impression you had me blocked so i really didnt expect you to read it. But speaking of being blocked, why is it you can dialouge with the worst racists and bigots on NT but for some reason you want to block me for fear of being insulted? From where im sitting you make worse insults than what i just typed on nearly a daily basis here under the guise of dialogue. Idk what it was that got under your skin so bad but let it go, it really not that serious.

Its more than just me and you here, if you really thought your "compromise" would be even remotely effective feel free to defend your position to the NT community, or not. It seemed rather short sighted to me but perhaps i misinterpreted what you envisioned.
Dude you didn't type this to dialogue, you typed it to insult me.

I would give a detailed response expanding my points, like I give to most people, but I know you're just trying to bait me to take more swipes, we have been down this road multiple times. I said what I said for specific reasons. I know cops already get that, and I want departments to fear Ferguson Report like exposure.

But I'll pass on a detailed response, I know you don't give a **** about what I got to say. We have been down this road already.

I moreso typed it to make others aware of the flaw in this line of thinking. I was under the impression you had me blocked so i really didnt expect you to read it. But speaking of being blocked, why is it you can dialouge with the worst racists and bigots on NT but for some reason you want to block me for fear of being insulted? From where im sitting you make worse insults than what i just typed on nearly a daily basis here under the guise of dialogue. Idk what it was that got under your skin so bad but let it go, it really not that serious.

Its more than just me and you here, if you really thought your "compromise" would be even remotely effective feel free to defend your position to the NT community, or not. It seemed rather short sighted to me but perhaps i misinterpreted what you envisioned.

If you want to know why I believe you're just interested in shading me, go search in the GMO threads. And our other interactions after that.

And you threw out shade directly at me in anticipation I wouldn't read it :lol:

You're just proving my point that your post was just about being condescending towards me. Seems like you have a problem with me you need to let go of.

But I will type a detailed explanation later.
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I dont remember that thread and i dont intend on searching for it. I realize i've been condescending in the past and i apologize for any insults, im working on being better in that regard. My intention was not to bait you into a pissing contest, i simply disagreed with your take.
I dont remember that thread and i dont intend on searching for it. I realize i've been condescending in the past and i apologize for any insults, im working on being better in that regard. My intention was not to bait you into a pissing contest, i simply disagreed with your take.

If that is the case I apologize if I have been condescending towards you. I shouldn't be criticizing people for not wanting to dialogue if I am not willing to do the same.

I didn't explain myself fully in my post, so I can see why you would think my "compromise" is I'll advised. When I have time tonight I will explain in more detail why I said what I did.

If you still disagree then, when hopefully we can have a more constructive back and forth about it.
This black lives matter movement is heavily funded by George soros but I'm sleep though...

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