This Can't Be The New Fashion Trend!!!

Nah, I'd say those clothes pictures are the opposite of dressing different, looks just like the typical american adult.

So dull.

- Safari​
Originally Posted by Young Safari

I have no reason to dress like an 18 y/o myspace rapper.
this is my work wear
when Im out chillin

I have no reason to wear those scarfs, tight jeans, or even dress like soulja boy with my pants 4x too big

Do you have a reason to dress so boring tho fam?

- Safari

grown man look ftw. personally that look isn't boring whatsoever andthere is plenty you can do to make it unique/stand out. besides there comes a time in every mans life when he has to put the sneakers and graphic tees away andget his grown man on. believe me you get a lot more respect and ppl just act different towards you when you dress a bit more formal instead of lookin like ahypebeast. oh and quarter zip sweaters are
with a dress shirt or polounder.
Originally Posted by Young Safari

Nah, I'd say those clothes pictures are the opposite of dressing different, looks just like the typical american adult.

So dull.

- Safari

Guess I dress dull then. I mean I am 26 with a B.S. and an M.P.A. So I guess after being on campus where the nerd look, tight jeans, and dunks are the trend,Im glad I dress like I do
its alright. minus the glasses. But I'm older too, and from the hood. i DON'T want to wear tight fitting clothes
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

Originally Posted by Young Safari

I have no reason to dress like an 18 y/o myspace rapper.
this is my work wear
when Im out chillin

I have no reason to wear those scarfs, tight jeans, or even dress like soulja boy with my pants 4x too big

Do you have a reason to dress so boring tho fam?

- Safari

grown man look ftw. personally that look isn't boring whatsoever and there is plenty you can do to make it unique/stand out. besides there comes a time in every mans life when he has to put the sneakers and graphic tees away and get his grown man on. believe me you get a lot more respect and ppl just act different towards you when you dress a bit more formal instead of lookin like a hypebeast. oh and quarter zip sweaters are
with a dress shirt or polo under.

Thank You, Someone FINALLY understands what Im saying. Good Look Out man
I don't think there is anything wrong with his outfit.
Chris Breezy looks fresh and Rihanna is
despite what the haters say.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

You from D.C. and his outfit is weird to you slim?? Have you been in Chinatown on a Friday night!!?? Bammas be rocking skinny jeans in blue, red, orange, be lookin like a damn rainbow down there

P.S. Is it just me or is CB's hairline trying to catch up with Rihanna's?

yea do you come out the house..i mean i live in the city to and this should be normal to you by now bruh!!!
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

OP, post a picture of what you consider regular jeans and a regular fit. Since when has a scarf been a new fashion trend for men? For some reason I see you dressing like Soulja Boy on a daily basis.

I have no reason to dress like an 18 y/o myspace rapper.
this is my work wear
when Im out chillin

I have no reason to wear those scarfs, tight jeans, or even dress like soulja boy with my pants 4x too big
Respectable outfits. I wear scarfs from time to time. I sweat easily and when it's neck gets irritated really easily so a scarfhelps out with that reason. It's so 'boring' looking because 'fits like these would never go out of style, unlike the street wear stuffthat's out now.

Chris's outfit would look OK minus the glasses and the belt. IMO belt just takes away from the whole outfit.
Originally Posted by suprastar

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

You from D.C. and his outfit is weird to you slim?? Have you been in Chinatown on a Friday night!!?? Bammas be rocking skinny jeans in blue, red, orange, be lookin like a damn rainbow down there

P.S. Is it just me or is CB's hairline trying to catch up with Rihanna's?

yea do you come out the house..i mean i live in the city to and this should be normal to you by now bruh!!!
U really didnt look at my post couple pages earlier so Im not going to repeat what I said
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