This Casey Anthony case has me wondering about lawyers

there are a lot of misconceptions of attorneys in this post and I as student studying for the bar as we speak at 2 am would like to clarify a few points:

1. if there were no defense attorneys, the judicial system would be in shambles. In is the governments burden to prove that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of each element of the crime charged. If the prosecution fails to meet that burden, then the defendant is not guilty- criminally. However he can later be sued civilly by an aggrieved party under a lower threshold of preponderance of the evidence. The defense attorney is merely to see that justice is served. While defense attorneys have gotten a bad rap, their job is to make sure prejudicial evidence does not come in against their client which would prejudice the right of a defendant to a fair trial. However sometimes, a defense attorney, seeing as how they have not much of a case, will attempt to confuse a jury by using a variety of tricks, or blame the government for malicious and wanton prosecution. As a future state prosecutor I have seen many of the tricks in my time interning. I have a tremendous respect for ADA's as well as defense attorneys, as long as they are dedicated and excellent in their work.

2. Lawyers are usually perceived with a tremendous amount of respect- except when the lawyer is a shady criminal defense lawyer, or a "ambulance chasing" personal injury attorney. Which is why clients are afforded privileges when they speak with attorneys. We are the ones people come to for a myriad of reasons- because they have been hurt and need to be compensated, charged with a crime, wish to acquire property, would like to devise a will, want to get a divorce, etc. If these tasks were left to laymen, the system would be x10000000 slower than it currently is. People develop these negative connotations because ambulance chasing is perceived as sleazy, as well as defending clients who people think are unequivocally guilty. However, everyone needs representation and everyone is entitled to be compensated for wrongdoing. It is for a jury, or a judge if requested, to weed out real claims and defenses from frivolous ones.

resumes studying.............
there are a lot of misconceptions of attorneys in this post and I as student studying for the bar as we speak at 2 am would like to clarify a few points:

1. if there were no defense attorneys, the judicial system would be in shambles. In is the governments burden to prove that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of each element of the crime charged. If the prosecution fails to meet that burden, then the defendant is not guilty- criminally. However he can later be sued civilly by an aggrieved party under a lower threshold of preponderance of the evidence. The defense attorney is merely to see that justice is served. While defense attorneys have gotten a bad rap, their job is to make sure prejudicial evidence does not come in against their client which would prejudice the right of a defendant to a fair trial. However sometimes, a defense attorney, seeing as how they have not much of a case, will attempt to confuse a jury by using a variety of tricks, or blame the government for malicious and wanton prosecution. As a future state prosecutor I have seen many of the tricks in my time interning. I have a tremendous respect for ADA's as well as defense attorneys, as long as they are dedicated and excellent in their work.

2. Lawyers are usually perceived with a tremendous amount of respect- except when the lawyer is a shady criminal defense lawyer, or a "ambulance chasing" personal injury attorney. Which is why clients are afforded privileges when they speak with attorneys. We are the ones people come to for a myriad of reasons- because they have been hurt and need to be compensated, charged with a crime, wish to acquire property, would like to devise a will, want to get a divorce, etc. If these tasks were left to laymen, the system would be x10000000 slower than it currently is. People develop these negative connotations because ambulance chasing is perceived as sleazy, as well as defending clients who people think are unequivocally guilty. However, everyone needs representation and everyone is entitled to be compensated for wrongdoing. It is for a jury, or a judge if requested, to weed out real claims and defenses from frivolous ones.

resumes studying.............
Originally Posted by HelloHipHop4000

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by HankMoody

lawyers are respected for the amount of work it takes to make it in the profession, and the poise with which they carry themselves. 
but on the flip side, many lawyers are perceived as A) lying sleazeballs or B) money-grubbers who charge excessively for any and everything (if you've ever been familiar with a lawyer you know all about mysterious "legal consulting fees") . that's why they made the movie Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino.. its basically playing on that stereotype. 
and have you not heard the millions of lawyer jokes? ie the famous one about the engineer getting sent to hell, and God saying "send him up to heaven or i'll sue" and Satan responds with "and just where are you going to get a lawyer?"
Originally Posted by HelloHipHop4000

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by HankMoody

lawyers are respected for the amount of work it takes to make it in the profession, and the poise with which they carry themselves. 
but on the flip side, many lawyers are perceived as A) lying sleazeballs or B) money-grubbers who charge excessively for any and everything (if you've ever been familiar with a lawyer you know all about mysterious "legal consulting fees") . that's why they made the movie Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino.. its basically playing on that stereotype. 
and have you not heard the millions of lawyer jokes? ie the famous one about the engineer getting sent to hell, and God saying "send him up to heaven or i'll sue" and Satan responds with "and just where are you going to get a lawyer?"
lawyers get paid to WIN...they will give the most persuasive arguments and hopefully they win which = BANK
lawyers get paid to WIN...they will give the most persuasive arguments and hopefully they win which = BANK
It's a dangerous occupation.

Being a good actor immediately comes to mind.

The lawyer has to throw all his morals/creeds out the window to defend his client. He has to study the case, and prove to himself that the client is 'not guilty' even if he/she isn't...otherwise, no fat paycheck.

Look at Heath Ledger playing the Joker...he essentially became insane to sell the role, otherwise TDK would not have been the same movie (IMO)
It's a dangerous occupation.

Being a good actor immediately comes to mind.

The lawyer has to throw all his morals/creeds out the window to defend his client. He has to study the case, and prove to himself that the client is 'not guilty' even if he/she isn't...otherwise, no fat paycheck.

Look at Heath Ledger playing the Joker...he essentially became insane to sell the role, otherwise TDK would not have been the same movie (IMO)
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