This Country Hasn't Changed One Bit

Oct 8, 2003
It's been over 40 years since the civil rights movement and this country hasn't changed one bit. The only difference is that people keep their racismto themselves. I'm seriously tired of this crap.
I agree. All the old-timers in this country are obviously still racist, and they've passed their racist sentiments onto their children and grandchildren.The best we can hope for is for racism to be blanketed until it is nearly invisible, b/c it will never fully go away
I've been trying not to say that out loud to myself in hopes the feeling would go away...but my mom said that @!$* recently and my grandpa has been sayingit since before I was born.
Typical Niketalker - "stop living in the past, things have changed...."


but yea racism is still they just be concealing it.....until now
I disagree and family members who were around back then disagree. $+#$ is a lot different now, there's no debate about that at all. BUT of course, racismstill exist in the US. Bean says old timers are passing down racism to their kids and grandkids and i agree but I also know of a lot of people who are taughtthis realize this way of thinking is ignorant. I also think that racism is often confused with ignorance.
ALL races raise their children racist. its not just white people.

and i don't mean ALL people, i said all RACES.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It's not different at all IMO. It's just closeted now instead of open andflailing racial epithets at random people like it was back then.[/color]
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]It's not different at all IMO[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. It's just closeted now instead of open and flailing racial epithets at random people like it was back then.[/color]
Naw...back then you almost NEVER see a black dude dating a white girl. Now.................
*Shoot*, I been black 4...oh, lets see now, bout 20 years...I aint need NT 2 tell me that...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]OMG OBAMA IS NOT RELATED TO OSAMA #%!!!![/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]LMAO at a black man not being able to be Christian...[/color]
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

It's been over 40 years since the civil rights movement and this country hasn't changed one bit. The only difference is that people keep their racism to themselves. I'm seriously tired of this crap.
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Mindsets like yours are the ones that keep racism around.
So what, it's supposed to be ignored and swept under the rug. Act like nothing is wrong.


That's the dumbest crap I've read in a long time.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

It's been over 40 years since the civil rights movement and this country hasn't changed one bit. The only difference is that people keep their racism to themselves. I'm seriously tired of this crap.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Mindsets like yours are the ones that keep racism around.
So what, it's supposed to be ignored and swept under the rug. Act like nothing is wrong.


That's the dumbest crap I've read in a long time.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Word... It aint like this is some out of sight out of mind @%*%#@%*.This !$*$ is real and happening every day. As long as there are racists people teaching the youth about racism, it will still be alive...[/color]

As long as the music keeps them good suburb girls getting tag teamed at the afterparties, its going to be some saltiness
When did you come to this conclusion?Things are no different the only different is the year.People attitudes,views and thoughts are still the same.People asthe older generation die out and the younger generation comes along things will change and I say thats pure 100% BS.
We have a black man running for president and its causing more drama over the fact that he calls himself "Black" than anything else and if someonesays that "Its more about the Issue's" usually their going to pick out all the negetives,if their voting against him-the invisible shield(Theissue's).At a time like now you would think most people with a brain and good reasoning would vote for someone who would best be able to get us out of thismess that we are in.Period.
The trouble we are in now with the economy,Mccain,Bush and all their rich white republican,conservitiv friends GOT US INTO THIS MESS and it didn't starttoday,it started years ago and the DOW went up and guess who's pockets got even fatter?riiight.But you worried about a black man getting into the whitehouse?do america a favor and KILL YOURSELF....

If Obama wins,I predict a few of thesepeople(yes I said it)are going to kill themselves or doing something drastic,I just hope and pray its not to another "Black" person.Lets gets Obamain the white house,no matter what it takes and let god handle the rest......

Thecoldest343 wrote:
The trouble we are in now with the economy,Mccain,Bush and all their rich white republican,conservitiv friends GOT US INTO THIS MESS and it didn't start today,it started years ago and the DOW went up and guess who's pockets got even fatter?
a) Understand the Glass-Steagall Act.

b) Google "Clinton 1999 deregulation" and let me know what you find. Better yet, just read this.

c) Then, read this.

13 years ago, economists were predicting the crisis in which we're currently embroiled if the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed, and it was, in 1999. Wait,who was president 13 years ago? Who was president in 1999? Eh, who cares? It was probably some rich, white, Republican; they're always to blame.

Post-deregulation, did anyone step up and warn the American people of any potential problems on the horizon? Did anyone raise a voice and say "Hey,we're on a highway to hell unless we rein in Wall Street"? Did the Democratically-led Congress, the Congress that was supposed to shake up Washingtonand change America for the better, propose any sort of re-regulation, as it were, for Wall Street? Nah, they were too busy doing other things, like passing1,900 symbolic measures during their time in Congress. Who cares about a pending economic collapse when you can createNational Watermelon Month?

No wonder their approval rating is abysmal, even when compared to Bush's.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

totally disagree.
I knew you would.
yes, b/c my own political leaning makes me view the world with rose colored glasses

seriously though...."this country hasn't changed one bit."
...come on now
what a ridiculous statement to make...
are there still some backwards *#* people? of course...yes
but are there more people than ever who have grown up more accepting and tolerant of other people than ever?...hell yes.
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