This Dad right right here deserves a Noble peace prize. VOL Facebook daughter exposure to da max

Aug 1, 2004


damn da cement IV's with da nike air in 1999 are older then her.

AND she got called out for being a slizzore

da only thing thats gonna happened though is once she turns 18 she gonna a SUPER jump off.
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She definitely gonna be a yamb deliverer in three years not too long after this video.

:smh: :x
Father might as well start buying the pampers, formula, and stroller right now.
The only real way to save kids like her in a big city is to push them HARD to focus on academics and not just "behave".

She'll be in the AP classes with the smarter, quieter kids and will have a chance to stay busy, be around new students, and keep the penises with the big veins out of her hands. Plus she'll feel like she'll achieve something.
The only real way to save kids like her in a big city is to push them HARD to focus on academics and not just "behave".

She'll be in the AP classes with the smarter, quieter kids and will have a chance to stay busy, be around new students, and keep the penises with the big veins out of her hands. Plus she'll feel like she'll achieve something.
The only real way to save kids like her in a big city is to push them HARD to focus on academics and not just "behave".

She'll be in the AP classes with the smarter, quieter kids and will have a chance to stay busy, be around new students, and keep the penises with the big veins out of her hands. Plus she'll feel like she'll achieve something.

AP classes aren't going to keep her safe.

You ever take an AP class before?
lol this dad should have been paying more attention to his daughter. I would never allow my daughter to have a FB at 13 to begin with and why is he telling everyone that she is in Philly?   lmao her pops is a dumb*ss and how the hell wouldn't he know that she was out smoking and getting banged by grown men?  Dude most not be in his daughter's life that much.  smh Just another example of the dad not being around.
lol this dad should have been paying more attention to his daughter. I would never allow my daughter to have a FB at 13 to begin with and why is he telling everyone that she is in Philly?   lmao her pops is a dumb*ss and how the hell wouldn't he know that she was out smoking and getting banged by grown men?  Dude most not be in his daughter's life that much.  smh Just another example of the dad not being around.
even the most authoritative of parents can produce rebel children

in fact its pretty common

She not sorry, I've been around plenty of females like her.
Sorry pops she gonna go right back and do it again. :smh:
He probably beat her *** before he made this video. lol  People abuse social networking.
"Now she's at the point where she's gonna get locked up in the home."

Right. That will only work for the time being, and that time is probably a short while.
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