This Dude Has More Swag/Will Get More Yambs Than Most NTers In Their Entire Lives

lil' dude got the Shawn Wayans hair cut

A comment on reddit mentioned how awkward and completely unacceptable this production would've been if it was a 6 yr old girl and 2 grown men dancing. It's indicative of how wrong and inappropriate this is. It's really sickening. Just because he's a boy doesn't mean his brain is developed enough to handle booty being shaken inches away from his face.

Kids are always going to imitate adults. That's why it's probably important for adults to maintain a certain responsible mature public image. I think that image of adults as being this mature responsible group overall has never been weaker now with the internet and social networking. Kids can follow their favorite celebrities closer than ever before, which is probably giving them greater influence over fans. For example I don't think the YOLO attitude could've been as mainstream and as influential as it is today without the internet. These are just some thoughts and opinions. I'd like to hear what others think.

That Buggin' Out/Shawn Wayans/Reggie Warrington from Nutty Professor haircut
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