Those of you with a wife or serious girlfriend, would you leave her right now for this girl?

I'd take all three, but worth leaving my girl of 3 years, nah. Most beautiful thing on this planet is my girl (soon to be fiance later this year)
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


Exactly.  Leave someone who I'm building a life with. Someone I have chemistry with, for someone I don't know that could just be a one night thing? 
All they can commit to is 10 days anyway.
Nope, maybe I'm a self hating hispanic person , but I cant stand girls who speak spanish , spanglish, or have THAT accent. 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The woman I'm interested in is worth all three, but then again, if that's the case, why give her up? [/color]
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I still think don omar is suspect for breaking up with her

cause looks is all that matters in a relationship right?
She's beautiful, but so are about a million other women on this planet, so choice was made long ago.
She's nice! No doubt about it. But what kind of question is this? 

I'll take my girl over her anyday of the week. My girl >>> Her
No. And seriously speaking here, guys go through this on an everyday level with far less attractive women. There are several things to factor in like her attitude, how well you get along, her intelligence etc. Some things might look good from the outside, but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I still think don omar is suspect for breaking up with her

cause looks is all that matters in a relationship right?

she can cook too, she has my heart <3

So can the hot salvadorian chick at mcdonalds. Doen't mean I'm leaving my chick for some chick that I dont even know cause she looks good and can cook.
Nah. Girl on the left in the white is bomb too.

Fine aint everything, that $&* might bring out insecurities you didn't even know you had b.

My girl looks plenty good for me, dawg.
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