Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

So we love each other in the sense that we don't wish harm on our fellow man. We wanna see each other thrive and live a noble and peaceful existence. But because I don't share your blind faith I'm damned for eternity according to your gods scripture? Hmmmmmmmmm
Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find? Prov 20:6

Even worldly

claims of peace are to 


But, you will see

that it is only evil

and deception.
Whether you accept it ​
or not won't change​
what is to come.​
Can you point me in the direction of the right one though? So many lesser gods claim the truth too. I just want the truthiest god. All help will be appreciated.

Look into every religion. That is what i did before i turned to Islam. Question everything, read the quran, torah, bible(s), athiest text, and other religious text and decide for yourself.
Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find? Prov 20:6

Even worldly
claims of peace are to 
But, you will see
that it is only evil
and deception.

Whether you accept it 
or not won't change
what is to come.

can you start referencing which bible you are referring to or which version.
Can you point me in the direction of the right one though? So many lesser gods claim the truth too. I just want the truthiest god. All help will be appreciated.

Humble yourself and repent 

or your sins

to the one True God

and accept his son 

Christ for he died for

our souls.

I know.

Your heart is stubborn

and you are not seeking 


Don't let your mockery 

turn to wailing.
Y u call dat mans heart stubborn.

Dats not christian at all.
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The clock 

is ticking.

Sitting here baiting 

me is only detrimental

to your own time.

Repent now and 

receive everlasting 

What about the picture of the white dude with blood running down his face you see in damn near every church. You feel that's a accurate depiction of god? And if so wouldn't that be considered a graven image which the scripture forebodes?
Will those ignorant of Christ still be permitted to heaven? People of the world who know nothing of Christianity and died before they could know anything about it?
What about the picture of the white dude with blood running down his face you see in damn near every church. You feel that's a accurate depiction of god? And if so wouldn't that be considered a graven image which the scripture forebodes?
It is breaking the 2nd commandment

if one worships the image.
Will those ignorant of Christ still be permitted to heaven? People of the world who know nothing of Christianity and died before they could know anything about it?
The bible doesn't

answer the "what ifs"

The important question

for each of us is

What have I done in response 

to the fact that I HAVE heard

of Jesus?
@L7OSER... do NOT look what's inside church.....

]The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, 15 his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace

(Obvioulsy Christ was a man of COLOR with a FRO)

do not look to the modern church of today (SYNAGOUGE OF SATAN)... it is deception....the devil/adversary/enemy Is liar and there is no truth in him

Modern denominational along with charasmatic churches Mix the TRUTH with A LIE

read the word of GOD for yourself to understand his true character
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How much do you tip your God?
God is not a slot machine like many have you to believe.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me
"The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. (When I am gone) Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you will find me."

You can't be a true follower of Christ and go to church on Sundays, or church period. God kept the sabbath on the 7th day according to scripture which is Saturday (Adventists)

You can't be a true follower of Christ and support the police and government. Who do you think put Jesus to death? The police of those days. The government of those days.

If Jesus were here now he'd say **** the church **** the government and **** the police and military as well. Now if you truely follow Christ what type of reaction do you think would come about if you echoed those sentiments?

For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."

You can't be a follower of Christ and support slavery which is the false religion of authority. That's the quickest way to turn a lot of ppl against you. Even your own family.
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To be born again

is to be born in

the Spirit.

God is a Spirit.

Through being born 

of the Spirit, do we 

gain the True knowledge

of existence and life


It is an inner change

that projects outward.
Son, it's called Baptism. 90% of you born agains are ex-cons, single mothers, and lonely.

Religion is stupid. It's the driving force of murder thru the ages. The methodology used to control slaves.

How old is the world in your newly abathed mind?
"The Kingdom of God is inside/within you (and all about you), not in buildings/mansions of wood and stone. (When I am gone) Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift the/a stone and you will find me."

You can't be a true follower of Christ and go to church on Sundays, or church period. God kept the sabbath on the 7th day according to scripture which is Saturday (Adventists)

You can't be a true follower of Christ and support the police and government. Who do you think put Jesus to death? The police of those days. The government of those days.

If Jesus were here now he'd say **** the church **** the government and **** the police and military as well. Now if you truely follow Christ what type of reaction do you think would come about if you echoed those sentiments?

For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household."

You can't be a follower of Christ and support slavery which is the false religion of authority. That's the quickest way to turn a lot of ppl against you. Even your own family.
Son, it's called Baptism. 90% of you born agains are ex-cons, single mothers, and lonely.

Religion is stupid. It's the driving force of murder thru the ages. The methodology used to control slaves.

How old is the world in your newly abathed mind?
What do all of them

have in common?

We are 

sinners and so are you.

It is only the humble at

heart that receive

Christ and unless you

can smell your own 

puke and turn away from it.

You will only be 

easily deceived

by your own proclaimed


Your right religion is evil.

Jesus said it himself in the 


The Pharisee, religious leaders,

plotted to kill him and

defraud because

they did not understand

his words of Truth.

In the name of God they 

did their evils.

Contrary to the lies

of man, the earth is 

6k years.
Another thought:

If you believe in God and heaven and live a good life then you are set if heaven and God are real. If they arent then oh well. But if you are an atheist or other religion thst doesnt believe then if heaven exists youre not getting in and are screwed. If its not then again oh well.

I like the first options odds better.
God didn't make dinosaurs. They never existed.

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